Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 3722: Shen Yue's taboo!

"Kill God, is this little girl your sister?" Zhu Dachang glanced at Shen Yue, then asked lightly.

It’s just that as soon as his words fell, Shen Yue lifted up and kicked directly on Zhu Dachang’s belly. Zhu Dachang was bent down like a prawn, and the expressions on his face were twisted together. The next moment, he flew directly. Went out and disappeared.

Xiao Chen shook his head, and now Shen Yue would blow up his hair as soon as he heard the word "girl", he could only silently mourn Zhu Dachang in his heart.

Shen Yue kicked, obviously not defying, she was already chasing in the direction where Zhu Dachang flew out. After a while, there was a sound of rock collapsing in the distance, until there was no sound, Xiao Chen and others walked over.

When they saw Zhu Dachang, they each took a breath. At this time, Zhu Dachang knelt on his knees, his body was in tatters, and he was extremely embarrassed. The obese face was even more bloated, and even his eyes were invisible. Facing Shen Yue shiveringly.

This is the transit station of Xingyao Road and Yueyao Road, which is no longer within the scope of Xingyao Road. Naturally, Xingyao Road's suppression of Shen Yue and others is much smaller. The three people of Shen Yue can already play the peak of the Moonlight Realm. For, how could Zhu Dachang stop Shen Yue's anger.

"Tsk tut, why is it so cruel to start, look, this face can't even distinguish the five senses." Xiao Chen tutted.

"Hmph, don't teach him a lesson, he doesn't know why the flowers are so red." Shen Yue snorted coldly.

At this time, Zhu Dachang was extremely confused. He didn't know how he provoke Shen Yue, let alone how he could be beaten by a little loli who could not even fight back.

How did he know that Shen Yue is a strong solar power realm, how could he know that the girl has become Shen Yue’s taboo? Speaking of which, the culprit of Zhu Dachang’s suffering was Xiao Chen, but Xiao Chen would not explain it. , He can only suffer a dumb loss.

"Okay, okay, Dachang is not intentional, so don't be familiar with him." Xiao Chen made a round of battle, looking at Zhu Dachang's miserable appearance, he couldn't laugh.

"Hmph, I am a senior expert, how can I be as knowledgeable as him." Shen Yue said with a cold snort, very proudly.

Xiao Chen smiled, then helped Zhu Dachang up, and asked in a relationship: "Dachang, are you okay?"

"Little master is okay." Zhu Dachang shook his head. Where did he dare to say that there was something wrong with him, he was afraid of being beaten by little Lolita.

"It's okay," Xiao Chen said, "Since it's okay, let's leave here first."

Everyone nodded, just as they were about to leave, suddenly there was a sound of breaking through the air, and then dozens of figures fell down, and the breath of moonlight came from each body, most of them were in the pseudo-moon radiance state.

Among them were five extremely embarrassed figures who swept around with some doubts. When their eyes fell on Xiao Chen and Zhu Dachang, they immediately sensed the familiar breath.

"You two are the wild boar and the orangutan that have just fought?" a strong man asked aloud after taking a step.

Xiao Chen looked at the speaker and raised his eyebrows slightly. When he was fighting with Zhu Dachang just now, he encountered a few long-winded flies and shook them out. Unexpectedly, these people had been found back.

Xiao Chen did not speak, Zhu Dachang was annoyed, and he was not in the mood to speak.

"Dead fat pig, ask you something, didn't you hear it?"

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