Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 3721: Long windy!

The two behemoths have completely become a competition of strength. Several nearby mountains were directly crushed into flat ground. They even crushed a power's training site and attracted several powerful men.

"Where is the behemoth, dare to destroy our cultivation site, it is really looking for death!"

"Two beasts in the mere guts, dare to bother us in our cultivation, knowing whether they live or die!"

"Dare to destroy our cultivation site, I will peel off the skins of these two beasts and burn the meat of the two beasts to eat!"

There were five people in this group, staring angrily at the two behemoths, cursing.

"Let's do it now, or wait for them to decide the victory or defeat." The five people discussed without anyone else, but when they were discussing, they did not find that the two behemoths have stopped and are staring at them indifferently. .

"It's long-winded, so annoying!"

The two behemoths said at the same time, their voices sounded like thunder, directly in the ears of the five people. The next moment, the two behemoths opened their huge mouths at the same time, a terrifying sound wave came, and all the surrounding rocks were directly shattered into powder. He was the first to bear the brunt. He just persisted for a while, and then he bleeds from the seven orifices, and then he flew out without a trace!

The two behemoths stopped at the same time, and then stared at each other fiercely. The next moment, the two behemoths shrank at the same time, turning into the appearance of Zhu Dachang and Xiao Chen.

"Boy, what on earth are you, how can you have such a strong power, the little master can't eat you!" Zhu Dachang asked directly.

"The God of Death is a human, but your body doesn't seem to be a wild boar." Xiao Chen said lightly, his eyes fixed on Zhu Dachang. He always felt that Zhu Dachang was not as simple as an ordinary wild boar, but no matter how he looked at it, The body of Zhu Dachang is a wild boar.

"Old man, what can you see?"

"Strange, the old man can't see through his body, but the old man can feel that this fat man has a strong talent. If he can, it is best to use it for himself, maybe there will be unexpected gains."

"Oh?" Xiao Chen was slightly moved, as he could get the old man to say so, that Zhu Dachang's talent is definitely not only very strong but simple.

"Little master, you don't look like a human at all." Zhu Dachang.

Xiao Chen returned to his mind. No matter how you look at it, Zhu Dachang’s words are like cursing, but he can’t tell why, so he said: “Zhu Dachang, we can’t tell the victory or defeat when the fight goes on. It’s better than we tie. How does it end?"

"A tie?" Angrily flashed across Zhu Dachang's face after hearing the words, "Smelly boy, do you look down on Xiaoye? Xiaoye is in the Moonlight Realm, and you are just a pseudo-star Yao, this is what a draw!"

"Um!" Xiao Chen was stunned, "I didn't expect your self-esteem to be quite strong, so what do you say?"

"Hmph, although the little master didn't lose, but the little master didn't win either, so let's go with you first, but the little master is still called Zhu Dachang until the day when the little master really defeats you." Zhu Dachang thought for a while and said. .

"Okay, I look forward to you changing your name, Ba Jie." Xiao Chen smiled. He still has the power of Xinghui now in his body. He is confident. As long as he converts all the power in his body into the power of Yuehui, he can transform Zhu Dachang. The abused individual has no complete skin.


At this moment, Shen Yue and others fell down, and Shen Yue glanced at Xiao Chen and Zhu Dachang, and said lightly: "Resolved?"

"Yeah." Xiao Chen nodded.

"Smelly boy, is this little girl your sister?" Zhu Dachang glanced at Shen Yue and asked.

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