Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 3574: This is a big joke!

"If I didn't guess wrong, those people just came to chase you, although I don't know what you did, but I can count you as half a benefactor. That's how you avenge revenge?" Xiao Chen's eyes fell on the woman's lips Above, his face was a bit weird, but he was not surprised at the woman's killing intent. After all, in the center of the universe, killing people didn't need any reason.

"What about the benefactor, if you take this witch, you deserve to die, plus killing you can improve the strength of this witch, this witch has no reason to let you go!"

The woman said coldly, her face was already full of murderous intent, her body's strength surged wildly, she was obviously planning to do it, but at this moment, the woman's body suddenly stopped, and then Xiao Chen discovered that the strength in the woman's body had actually begun. countercurrent.

"As for, in order to kill me, your meridians flow backward!" Xiao Chen said in surprise.

The woman did not speak, but her face was ugly to the extreme. The next moment, a bright red light burst out of her body, and a crimson breath instantly enveloped the entire forest, and then the beasts in the forest heard a roar, just a roar. Some are different, some are like the roar of courtship.

Xiao Chen's face changed drastically. After the crimson aura entered his body, his consciousness was almost taken away. At the same time, it seemed that there was magma burning in his body. This feeling was not unfamiliar to him, as if he had eaten some kind of contraband.

"What is this, so overbearing!" Xiao Chen is a strong creature in the creation realm, and his body is even more powerful. But the moment he touches, his consciousness is almost taken away. Xiao Chen has no time to think about it, so he will leave. At this moment, the woman suddenly lay on him like an octopus, and instantly pulled Xiao Chen down.

"This is a big joke!" Xiao Chen looked at the woman who had lost her mind, and burst into tears. When he arrived at the transfer station, would he face being forced?

The woman's cultivation base is stronger than Xiao Chen, and the crimson aura is extremely overbearing. Xiao Chen has lost the best time to leave. The power of the gods in the body has been assimilated. I don't know when Xiao Chen's eyes have also been lost. reason.

Suddenly taking the sky as the blanket and the ground as the bed, a sound of men and women came, and the sun rose and sunset, unknowingly, three days and three nights passed.


Suddenly, there was a loud noise, and half of the mountain forest was exploded to shreds. At this moment, a young man in white rushed out of the explosion, and then a woman in animal skin rushed out.

"Hold on, I'm the victim, OK? You can't help being reasonable." The young man in white is naturally Xiao Chen. When he regains his senses, it has been three days and three nights, and when he opened his eyes, he saw the woman. Chilling eyes!

"I'm going to kill you!" the woman said coldly, and the remaining half of the mountain forest all exploded in an instant. The woman was so angry that she was in a big loss this time. Not only did she lose her first kiss, but she also lost her innocence. It was for the person she loves most, and now she has lost her innocence, and she is not even worthy of him.

"Women are really unreasonable creatures!" Xiao Chen muttered, turned around and ran. The woman's cultivation base is much higher than that of him, and she is still in a rage, even more dangerous!

It's just that Xiao Chen still underestimated the woman's strength. He hadn't ran out for a thousand miles, and the woman had appeared in front of him with a palm hitting his chest.

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