Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 3573: White sword repair!

Xiao Chen looked at the transfer station in front of him, and the power of the gods in his body was surging, and the bones on his face suddenly changed slightly. After a while, Xiao Chen's face had become a delicate young man.

Although the God of War Xiao Chen had a high position and majesty in the center of the universe, he still had many enemies. Xiao Chen did not want to borrow the reputation of the God of War, nor did he want to get into trouble.

After changing his face, Xiao Chen changed into a white robe, a long sword appeared behind him, and suddenly a handsome white sword repairman appeared.

Xiao Chen didn't hesitate, and fell towards the transfer station.

There is no such thing as a huge city in the transfer station. Some are just occupying the mountains one by one, or occupying a land boundary by a group. At this time, Xiao Chen fell on the top of an unowned mountain.

Below the mountain peak is a dense forest, where many ferocious beasts roar constantly, and the stars here are scarce, so the surrounding environment is very dark and looks very depressing.

Although there are scattered stars in the entire transfer station, the stars in different realms are not the same. Similarly, if you want to break through the star realm, you need a lot of stars, so the place where the stars are strong has become a strong must. place.

However, there is little Xinghui here, but there is no strong person. Xiao Chen decided to open a cave here and settle down temporarily.

In fact, it is not that Xiao Chen wants to live here, but the surrounding areas, where Xinghui is slightly better, there are already strong people living, Xiao Chen just came here, and didn't want to cause trouble!

"Forget it, let's live here first. I didn't expect the transfer station housing to be so tense, why the more I think about it, the more it looks like a dark basement." Xiao Chen spit out, and was about to go down to open the cave, and suddenly there was a broken air. Into his spiritual consciousness.

Xiao Chen's expression tightened, and he saw a figure shooting here, Xiao Chen's gaze narrowed slightly, and soon a woman with a petite face and a fiery body wrapped in fierce beast leather shot in.

The woman's speed was so fast that she passed Xiao Chen in the blink of an eye. The woman glanced at Xiao Chen, was about to leave, suddenly stopped, and then turned around and came to Xiao Chen's side.

"Don't resist, otherwise I will kill you!" The woman said coldly, and then, without waiting for Xiao Chen's reaction, she pushed Xiao Chen directly, and the two fell from the peak of the mountain to the dense forest below.

Xiao Chen's eyes condensed and he was about to do it. Suddenly, he felt a warmth between his lips. Xiao Chen was shocked for a short time. Only then did he realize that he had been kissed by the woman.

"Huh?" Xiao Chen stared at the woman in front of him. At this moment, he realized that the aura of his body merged with the aura of the woman, and then the aura of the two disappeared at the same time.

Xiao Chen was slightly shocked. This is not the same as hiding a breath. If it is hiding a breath, it may also be perceived by the strong, but now they are like two non-existent people, without any breath.


At this moment, there were several cracking sounds above the dense forest, and several figures swept over directly from above, without any stopping!

It wasn't until a long time that the woman left Xiao Chen.

"Is my lips soft? Isn't it fragrant? Isn't it sweet?" The woman stared at Xiao Chen with crimson on her face.

"Very soft, very fragrant, very sweet!" Xiao Chen answered truthfully.

"It seems that you enjoyed it very much. If you can enjoy this witch's scented kiss before you die, you are considered to have earned it." The woman wiped her lips, the blush on her face gradually disappeared, and she turned into a cold killing intent. .

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