Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 3547: uninvited guest!

At this time, outside the villa, a group of people in black were walking into the villa. Obviously, this was a well-trained team, easily evading all surveillance, and easily brought down all the security guards inside and outside the villa. The defense system of the villa is described as a vain to them.

Inside the villa, black-clothed Xiao Chen, Xiao Ling, and Fan Lao all felt the movement, but they had no plans to take action. After all, these people were not worth their action.

Xiao Chen and Su Ke walked out of the room, into the hall, and sat on the sofa casually.

"Be careful in a while, this is the earth after all!" Su Ke held Xiao Chen's arm like a little woman.

"I'm not stupid, I still understand what I should do." Xiao Chen said, since he returned to the earth, he would naturally use the earth's solution to solve it.

Just as the two were talking, the man in black had already entered the hall, and he saw the two sitting on the sofa at a glance, and all of them had a halt.

"You are finally here, and I'm a little impatient when I waited. What is your purpose?" Xiao Chen said lightly. He felt suffocation from these people. These people were obviously on the real battlefield and killed. Humans are rare in this peaceful age, and it is obviously not simple to gather so many people.

"Kill you!" The headed man in black looked at Xiao Chen and directly said his intention.

"We have no grievances in the past, and we have no enemies in the past. Why kill me?" Xiao Chen asked strangely. He had just returned to Earth and had no grudges with anyone at all. How could anyone want to kill him.

"You touched someone you shouldn't touch." The man in black said coldly, and then glanced at Su Ke next to Xiao Chen.

"It turned out to be because of you. It seems that being with you is a great risk!" Xiao Chen looked at Su Ke in surprise.

"No way, who made me too beautiful, too cute, too attractive." Su Ke dragged his chin, said cutely.

"Narcissism is a disease, and it must be cured." Xiao Chen said rudely, and then looked at the man in black, "Although so, since the other party has found the door, I can't just ignore it, let's go and go outside. Hit, I don't want to break the things in the room!"

With that, Xiao Chen has already taken a step forward, passing through the black-clothed crowd, and walking towards the outside.

The man in black looked at Xiao Chen who was calm and calm, frowning slightly. So many of them broke into the hall, and each of them was so fierce and evil, even some punks were so scared, but no matter Xiao Chen or Su Ke, they were too calm.

Xiao Chen and the man in black came to the yard, the man in black waved, and the others surrounded Xiao Chen!

"Let's do it, you should come one by one, or go together." Xiao Chen said lightly. To be honest, he can kill all the people in black with just one look, but since this is the earth, let's solve it with fists.

"Boy, to deal with you, you don't need to act together, I'll do it alone." A strong man walked out and said coldly.

"Come on then." Xiao Chen put on a pose like a martial arts master.

"Huh, a little white face, pretending to be a master of martial arts, like you, a guy with thin skin and tender flesh, I can squeeze a group of people with one hand!" The strong man pinched his fingers, and the corners of his mouth appeared cruel.

When the voice fell, the strong man had already punched Xiao Chen in the face, looking quick and cruel, but in Xiao Chen's eyes, it was as slow as slow motion.

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