Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 3546: Xiao Chen is back!

Xiao Chen's speed was so fast that the young man just subconsciously held a knife to block it. The next moment, the young man felt a huge force coming, and the whole person was directly shaken out!


Everyone exclaimed.

The young man stabilized his figure, waved his hand, and said solemnly: "Everyone, be careful, this kid's power is stronger than before, and don't use long-range attacks, all close combat!"

"Yes, boss!"

The others responded and rushed towards Xiao Chen. They cooperated in an orderly manner and attacked Xiao Chen directly from all directions!

"Three heads and six arms!" Xiao Chen instantly had three heads and six arms, each holding a sword of killing, stopping everyone's attacks, and all kinds of fierce collisions were heard.

Xiao Chen was one against seven, and never let the wind fall.

"Is this the real strength of Killing God Xiao Chen!" Fan Lao muttered.

"That Xiao Chen is back again!" Xiao Ling smiled.

"Xiao Chen in memory is back again!" Su Ke said.

"It seems that this kid finally wants to understand!" Black-clothed Xiao Chen also appeared beside everyone.

"This kid is obviously only in the mid-stage of creation, how can there be such a strong power!" The young man frowned, and at this moment, he suddenly felt the breath of Xiao Chen in black.

"There is another one, and I can't see through its breath!" In other words, except for Fan Lao and Xiao Chen, he couldn't see through the cultivation of the other three, and he suddenly sank completely.

They hunted the team. The reason why they succeeded in hunting was that they won with an absolute number of people each time. Now it is Xiao Chen alone, they can't win in a short time, and if other people make a move, they will not be able to succeed.

"If you continue to fight, it's just a waste of time, let's retreat!" The youth spoke decisively. They hunted down the team and others, and after they gathered everyone else, they solved Xiao Chen.

At the next moment, everyone stopped, and then everyone withdrew in one direction, the speed was extremely fast, and there was nothing to drag.

"This is the way of survival for hunters in the universe. They fight if they can't beat them, and they run away if they fail to beat them. No time and energy are wasted." Fan's eyes flickered. The same is true of their team, generally only bullying the weak with the strong. More bullying than less.

Xiao Chen did not chase the young man and the others, and he couldn't keep them when he caught up. As for the black-clothed Xiao Chen, he had no intention of intervening.

"Go and sit in our place?" Xiao Chen returned to Old Fan and looked at Old Fan.

"Happy to go." Old Fan arched his hands.

Xiao Chen nodded, and returned to Su Ke's villa with Old Fan. At this time, Old Fan still had an expression of surprise on his face.

"I really didn't expect that there are still creatures in this dead zone." Old Fan said in surprise, yes, the entire galactic universe is a dead universe, and in the entire galactic universe, there is only one planet with life on the earth. exist.

"There are many interesting things in this planet, you can experience it." Xiao Chen said.

"Okay." Old Fan nodded. He had already swept the earth with his divine sense. The whole earth had almost no spiritual energy and no cultivators, but various technological weapons made him very interested.

In the night!

In Xiao Chen's room, he hadn't been so relaxed for a long time. At this moment, he was sitting in front of the computer, playing a game, and suddenly his consciousness moved, and a picture appeared in his mind.

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