Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 3525: Killer bee stunned!

"Apprentice? When did you have an apprentice?" Xiao Ling was astonished.

"Hey, this apprentice I collected from the earth, her talent is not weaker than yours." Xiao Chen in black smiled slightly.

"Really? If you say that, I would like to see it." Xiao Ling said, is the **** father's apprentice, and seeing that the **** father is very satisfied with his apprentice, it makes her a little bit irritable, but she doesn't know Xiao Chen and What does this so-called apprentice have to do?

"After resurrecting her, you will be able to meet her." Black-clothed Xiao Chen smiled, and then suddenly looked towards Fan Lao and others with a cold expression, "Where do you want to go?"

Old Fan and the others had a sudden stature. They wanted to leave quietly when Xiao Chen in black was not paying attention, but they didn't expect to be discovered so soon.

Fan Lao and the others looked at each other, including Killer Bee. The next moment, the five of them fled in five directions in an instant, at an extreme speed.

"I want to run, have you asked me." Xiao Chen in black smiled faintly, then divided into five, and went to the five people respectively. The speed of the five people of Fan was very fast, but the speed of the five clones was faster.

Soon the five members of Old Fan flew back and slammed together, and then five black-clothed Xiao Chen appeared in front of them, and then merged into one.

"You better stop, otherwise I don't mind killing you right now!" Xiao Chen in black said lightly, with killing intent shot between his brows.

Old Fan's face was full of shock and bitterness. The five of them ran away at the same time, and they all used the fastest speed, but even so, they couldn't escape, and they were chased back at the same time. How strong is Xiao Chen in black?

Xiao Chen in black was not talking, nor did he teach Old Fan and others a lesson, but after what happened just now, Old Fan and others completely dispelled the idea of ​​running away. They glanced at the middle-aged man who was still lying in the void. For the future, Full of confusion.

Black-clothed Xiao Chen returned to Xiao Ling. The father and daughter talked and laughed. It was not until nearly a day later that Xiao Chen slowly opened his eyes, his aura was restrained, and all his injuries had recovered.

"What a strong resilience!" Fan Lao's pupils shrank sharply. Although he had known that God of War Xiao Chen was fighting against the sky, he was back against the sky, but within a day, he recovered from his severe injuries, which was enough to shock him again.

"Recovered?" At this moment, Xiao Chen in black looked over.

"Yeah." Xiao Chen nodded faintly, and the next moment, his eyes fell on Old Fan and the others, "Who will come?"

The five old Fans looked at each other without speaking.

"Since no one takes the initiative, then I personally selected it." Xiao Chen said lightly, his eyes on Killer Bee, "Killer Bee, come out, there should be an understanding between us."

When they heard that Xiao Chen chose the Queen of Killer Bee, Fan Lao and others subconsciously breathed a sigh of relief, and then some gloating at the Killer Bee, as long as it wasn't them, anyone would do.

The Killer Bee's face was a little heavy, and then he walked out and stared at Xiao Chen, he couldn't understand. When he first saw Xiao Chen, Xiao Chen was obviously just an ant. At that time, he had the chance to win, even in order not to waste energy. , I have been playing for nearly a month, but less than two months have passed since then, why did he feel so empty when he stood in front of Xiao Chen.

Yes, the Killer Bee was stunned, and after seeing Xiao Chen's fight with the middle-aged man, he was completely stunned!

This gap makes it difficult for him to accept.

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