Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 3524: Xiao Ling's doubts!

It's just that Shenhuang Abnormality was abnormal enough that he didn't fall down, and when Xiao Chen recovered, Xiao Chen's strength would be much stronger than before. It seemed that this kid had a clear understanding of Shenhuang Absolute.

"I remember you haven't been injured in a long time?" Xiao Ling looked at Xiao Chen in black.

"Yeah, because no one can hurt me, being too strong is a kind of loneliness, but to be honest, this kid has the demeanor of my years, and finally did not waste my energy." Xiao Chen in black With a lonely expression and a lonely smell in his eyes, Xiao Ling rolled his eyes as he watched.

"Since you are so strong, and since you are so lonely, why don't you go to the center of the depths of the universe?" Xiao Ling despised.

Black-clothed Xiao Chen's face collapsed in an instant, and he begged for mercy: "My dear daughter, please let it go, please don't take the scar!"

"Hmph, you still have a bit of self-knowledge." Xiao Ling despised.

"I don't know if Xiao Chen will go to the center of the universe." Black-clothed Xiao Chen said suddenly.

"I don’t know. I asked him once. His answer is that he doesn’t know, but I guess he will not go because he said he wants to protect his ten wives. Although he is not a peaceful person, He is too empathetic and righteous." Xiao Ling said.

"Where did his ten wives come from?" Xiao Chen in black was startled.

"That's the ten!" Xiao Ling said, and then explained to Xiao Chen in black. Since Xiao Chen in black knew about Xiao Chen's condition, how could he not know the origin of Chu Yunmeng and the others.

"Puff, hahaha!" After listening to the explanation, Xiao Chen in black smiled directly, "You actually think that they are the spiritual wisdom born of the power of Tianxinger. I didn't expect that my good daughters of the brightest life also made mistakes. time."

"Isn't it?" Xiao Ling asked rhetorically.

"Of course not. If they are the spiritual wisdom born from the power of Tian Xing'er, even if you are a strong creation realm, it is impossible to separate them, and it is impossible to restore them in the galactic universe." Xiao Chen in black affirmed.

"If not, then why do I feel that I can recover them in the Milky Way universe?" Xiao Ling asked questioningly. At that time, she promised Xiao Chen to help Chu Yunmeng and them because she felt that she could save ten people, not because she was sure she could.

"Because they were originally from the Galactic Universe, no, it was not them, but her. I brought her from the Galactic Universe and gave her the power of heavenly stars." Xiao Chen in black smiled lightly.

"What does this mean? What is not them, but her?"

"Hahaha, wait until Galaxy Universe is talking about it, and whether it's you or that kid, you will definitely be surprised." Xiao Chen in black laughed, his voice full of abuse!

"What the **** did you do? You are really not afraid that the kid will kill you after knowing it!" Xiao Ling looked at black-clothed Xiao Chen in astonishment. It was not them but her. What did this mean? And Chu Yunmeng and the others are actually from the Milky Way Universe. She didn't even know these things. What did Xiao Chen in black hide?

"I just fulfilled a dream of my apprentice. I was saying that even if the kid knew, he should thank me." Xiao Chen in black smiled mysteriously.

"Apprentice, when did you have an apprentice?" Xiao Ling was shocked again, she became more and more confused, what else she didn't know, how many things did Xiao Chen in black did that she didn't know.

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