Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 3475: Feast of killing!

"Spider Queen!" the other super strong cried out, with a face full of disbelief. The Spider Queen, the strongest among them, was hit by a stick.

Monkey King didn't intend to let the Spider Queen go. The figure had already rushed towards the Spider Queen, falling on the Spider Queen one by one.

The screams of the Spider Queen suddenly came out, miserable!

"Spider Queen!"

Other evil demons outside the territory wanted to rescue them when they saw it, but at this moment, Xiao Chen had already stood in front of them, and the weapon in his hand had turned into a lightsaber that radiated a faint sacred light!

"Your opponent is the killer god!"

Xiao Chen smiled faintly, and when the long sword in his hand was turned, an unspeakable sword intent swept out, and then many extraterritorial demons discovered that at some point, overlapping lightsabers and lightsabers had appeared around them. The light even covers the light of the galaxy.

"Is this? How could it be possible, where did he come from such a strong power to condense so many lightsabers!"

Looking at the lightsabers around, all the evil demons outside the territory couldn't help retreating, and the horror in their hearts was beyond description.

Xiao Chen didn't hesitate at all, his face was full of indifference. The lightsaber in his hand slashed faintly. Suddenly the endless lightsaber, the endless sword intent of the carrier, the thousands of swords were sent out, pouring down, as beautiful as a meteor shower!

Seeing this, the super powers of the evil demons outside the territory used their strongest defenses. Although the lightsaber is beautiful, they can feel the fatal crisis it carries!


The power in Xiao Chen's body was surging out like a flood discharge from a dam, but Xiao Chen didn't care about it. The power absorbed when he just cast the enchantment just happened to be useless. It was the best choice to retaliate against them. Knowing that the lightsaber that kills them now is the power they have just attacked in turn, I don't know if they will be angry!

Boom boom boom!

The lightsabers keep falling. Although there are many evil demons outside the territory, the number of lightsabers is hundreds, thousands, tens of thousands, or even more than them. A lightsaber cannot pierce their defenses, so ten, a hundred, Thousands!

Xiao Chen's most indispensable thing now is power, and the power of the desolate is much stronger than the general power. With the power of the desolate, the power of any move will multiply. After no use, there will be extraterritorial demons. The screams came!

This is a feast of killing!

Ten minutes later, Great Sage Qi Tian came over with a spider leg and looked around. Although he didn't feel any **** smell, he could see a group of light particles, and that was the evil demon from outside the territories being cut by a lightsaber. Light particles left after killing.

Although Xiao Chen could not completely wipe out the evil demons outside the territory, only a small part of them escaped, and all of them were seriously injured.

"Solved!" Xiao Chen glanced at the spider leg in the hands of Great Sage Qi Tian, ​​although he was asking, but in a positive tone.

"The boss is mighty, I only solved one, but the boss has solved nearly a hundred!" Tyrant Dao smiled, with a hint of compliment in his words.

"Where and where, the one you solved is the strongest among them, and the overall strength is much stronger than other extraterritorial demons, you are still better!"

Xiao Chen smiled and said with a compliment!

"No, no, no, the one I killed is strong, but it's not as strong as the hundreds of extraterritorial demons combined, you are the boss!" Tyrant Dao said hurriedly.

"Wherever you are, you are better!" Xiao Chen also hurriedly said.

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