Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 3474: Monkey King!

As Xiao Chen said, a few monkey hairs appeared in his hands, and then, a few monkey hairs floated to the Great Sage Body after Tyrant Saber and them were combined, and then fell on them.

Immediately afterwards, there was a sudden change, and the Ruyi golden hoop appeared in the hands of the Monkey King, wearing a purple gold crown with phoenix wings, wearing a chain of gold armor, and feet stepping on the lotus root!

"This is decent." Xiao Chen smiled. The Monkey King in front of him is the Monkey King in his impression. Although he is not the real Monkey King, he is the same domineering!

"Wow, so handsome, Monkey King is such a resounding title!" Tyrant Dao said very excitedly.

"Okay, let's go to fight!" Xiao Chen said, and then directly withdrew from the enchantment, escaped a round of attacks, and the two officially appeared in front of many foreign demons.

Xiao Chen smiled slightly, and the black God of War suit appeared on him, holding a black spear, standing side by side with the Great Sage Qitian, one black, one gold, one shot and one stick, and his face was full of majesty, which made all the evil spirits outside the territory unable to take a step back.

"Everyone is ready to fight to the death!" The Spider Queen said in a deep voice. The seven monsters are already very tricky, and they are even more tricky when they are combined. Adding the killing **** Xiao Chen, although they have an absolute advantage in number, her heart is No confidence at all!

All the evil demons outside the territories have a solemn face, and at this moment, they found that Xiao Chen and the Great Sage Qitian had disappeared, and their expressions changed in an instant. They hadn't reacted yet, and two screams had come. I don't know when. , The two have appeared among the demons outside the territory.

Xiao Chen had already pierced an extraterritorial evil spirit with a single shot, and Great Sage Qi Tian also smashed half of an extraterritorial evil spirit with a stick.


All the extraterritorial demons around were taken aback, and instantly retreated a hundred feet, with amazement on their faces.

When Xiao Chen just maintained the barrier, he also accumulated a lot of power through the barrier, and coupled with his own power, it was not a problem to kill a super power!

Tyrant Sabre and the others merged into the Monkey King, their strength has been greatly improved, and all his equipment is transformed from the monkey hair of Monkey King Monkey, his power is naturally extraordinary!

In the current situation, two tigers broke into the flock.

"Not bad." Xiao Chen looked at the Great Sage Qitian and smiled.

"Hey, we can't weaken the reputation of the boss, and we cannot weaken the reputation of Great Sage Qitian." The voice of Tyrant Dao passed over.

"Continue!" Xiao Chen smiled, and the two looked at each other, and they had disappeared again.

The other evil demons from outside the territories were all ready, staring at the two carefully, but even so, they still couldn't catch the two of them, even if they caught the two of them, they couldn't stop their attack.

The formation just formed was disrupted by Xiao Chen and Great Sage Qi Tian within a short period of time. Hundreds of super powers were unable to organize an effective attack. Instead, they were beaten into chaos.

The two tigers entered the flock, and the evil spirits outside the territory were constantly injured or died directly!

"How could it be, how could they be so strong!" Many super strong people retreated, and at this moment, a spider web full of poisonous gas shrouded the two of them.

Xiao Chen and Great Sage Qi Tian turned their heads at the same time, looked at the poison web, grabbed a stick, and had directly pierced the poison web and came towards the spider queen.

The Spider Queen's face changed, and the spider legs on her body continued to stab the two of them, but they were all evaded by them. The Great Sage Qi Tian took the lead in front of the Spider Queen, and shot the Spider Queen away with just a stick!

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