Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 3238: Mu Wanping is here!

"Boy, I am going to kill you!"

As soon as Xiao Chen walked out of the hall, the elder with three levels of harmony was already full of anger and killed Xiao Chen. Xiao Chen lightly slapped him. There was nothing wrong with Xiao Chen, but the elder vomited blood and backed away. Step, suddenly the hall is terribly quiet!

Xiao Chen glanced at the opponent coldly, already tore the void directly, and left the general's mansion.

There was silence in the general's mansion, and a strange light flashed in the general's eyes.

After Xiao Chen returned to the place where Mu Qingxuan and the others were, Quan Tianyuan was still around, and his goal had been completely switched to Mu Wanping. When Xiao Chen came back, Quan Tianyuan was constantly pleasing Mu Wanping.

However, Mu Wanping was impatient and indifferent.

After seeing Xiao Chen, the surprise in Quan Tianyuan's eyes flashed. Obviously he did not expect that Xiao Chen would walk out of the general's mansion alive.

"How is it?" Mu Qingxuan asked.

"Found it, on the wicked island!" Xiao Chen said.

"Then let's go!" Mu Qingxuan said.

"Are the two young ladies leaving?" Mu Wanping asked hurriedly.

"We are going to the villain's island." Mu Qingxuan said.

"Go to Evilman Island, what are you kidding about, Evilman Island is a group of terrifying guys, especially for the people of Three Mountains and Five Mountains, Evilman Island is hell!"

Quan Tianyuan cried.

"The two young ladies are going to Evilman Island. I don't know if I can take me. I have long wanted to go to Evilman Island, but I have been obstructed by my family. Now I can finally get what I wanted." Mu Wanping said slightly. Said excitedly.

"Sister Wanping, the villain's island is very dangerous. Your status has no effect on villain's island. Maybe you will die there too. Are you sure you want to go to villain's island with us?"

Mu Qingxuan asked in a deep voice, in the villain's island, identity is useless, strength is the only kingly way.

"I'm going!" Mu Wanping said firmly.

"Then let's go together, but I want to tell you that we won't save you when we encounter danger." Xiao Chen said.

"Cut, can I use you to save it? Great, I can be with two beautiful young ladies again." Mu Wanping glanced at Xiao Chen, and then smiled happily, just like a little girl.

"Then let's go."

Xiao Chen said, and then directly rose into the air.

"That kid didn't even die. The General Mansion is really a bunch of rubbish, but this is a good opportunity to abduct the little witch from Yandang Devil Island to the villain's island. As long as I pass the news to Yandang Devil Island, not only can I win Yandang Devil Island." Feeling good, you can kill that kid, it's really a double effect."

A triumphant smile flashed in Quan Tianyuan's eyes, and the next moment, he disappeared in place.

After Xiao Chen and his party left Hanyou City, Mu Wanping directly took out a small battleship. This small battleship was also an eighth-order magic weapon, with powerful defenses and powerful attack methods. It was Mu Wanping's most proud magic weapon. .

On the battleship, Mu Wanping glanced at Xiao Chen triumphantly, took Mu Qingxuan and Chang Qianqian to whisper, and excluded Xiao Chen.

Xiao Chen was too lazy to care about with a little girl. With a thought, he came to the Linglong Pagoda. Venerable Xihai once said that there are huge resources in the Linglong Pagoda. Before reaching the villain's island, he wanted to use these resources to improve his strength.

After entering the Linglong Pagoda, Xiao Chen walked towards the second floor. After arriving at the second floor, a puppet appeared in front of Xiao Chen. Xiao Chen swept a little bit and found that this puppet possesses the same cultivation base. .

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