Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 3237: Create momentum!

General Mansion!

"Master only thinks that my cultivation base is low and gave me self-defense. I came to see Senior Sister this time, first to see if Senior Sister is doing well, and second, to ask Senior Sister about someone."

Xiao Chen opened the door and said, his main purpose was to find out about Chu Yunmeng.

"Inquire about someone?"

"Yes, the second elder sister has news about her." Xiao Chen used his Yuan Li to condense the appearance of Chu Yunmeng.

"is her!"

Gu Xuanxuan was startled, but in the hall, the general and other powerful men subconsciously showed fear in their eyes after seeing Chu Yunmeng's face.

"Why did Junior Brother look for her?" Gu Xuanxuan said solemnly.

"She is my woman, so why don't you need a reason to find her." Xiao Chen said.

Hearing this, the whole hall was startled, and then everyone showed mockery, including the general.

"Junior brother, you must not talk nonsense about such rebellious things, but I do know the news of senior that, in order to avoid the pursuit of the strongest genius on Penglai Immortal Island and Yandang Demon Island, Senior has gone to the villain island. The villain island junior brother should have never heard of it. Right."

Gu Xuanxuan solemnly ordered.

"Did you go to the villain's island? It seems that there is no need to make a detour." Xiao Chen muttered, then looked at Gu Xuanxuan, "Second Senior Sister, how have you been in the General's Mansion? If you have a bad time, don't bear it Now, Senior Sister must remember that the one standing behind us is Venerable Xihai, forces like the General's Mansion, Master can be wiped away from the wilderness with a wave of his hand."

Although Xiao Chen didn't know how strong the Venerable Xihai was, the Tiansha was the tenth rank in the legend, and the earthshaw, which existed on the same level as the Tiansha, would not be weak even if it was not in its heyday.

"Junior brother joked, I am fine here."

After Gu Xuanxuan felt the sinking atmosphere in the hall, she was a little bit embarrassed. Saying this in front of so many powerful people in the General's Mansion, isn't this giving her hatred.

"Venerable Xihai is nothing more than the master of Xihai. Just go to an eighth-level powerhouse in my general mansion, and he can dominate all the seas and wastes. Whatever wave of his hand can wipe the general mansion from the wilderness. It's big."

At this moment, a sneer sounded in the hall, speaking to a triple elder from the General Mansion.

"You don't believe that Venerable Xihai has that strength?" Xiao Chen looked at the elder and said lightly.

"Don't say me, do you think there is a letter in the hall?" The elder sneered, and many elders in the hall sneered.

"Really?" Xiao Chen's expression became cold, and Time and Space Condensation was activated instantly, and then he came to the elder, pulled him up from the chair, and then returned to the place, pinching his neck, and Time and Space Condensation was over!

In the hall, everyone looked at the elder who was pinched by Xiao Chen's neck in the middle of the hall, and they couldn't react for a while. They didn't see anything at all. The triple elder of Hedao was actually restrained!

"I want to kill you, it's as simple as squeezing an ant, and the master's strength is a hundred times stronger than me. You dare to look down on my master, and you can't help yourself!"

Xiao Chen sneered and threw the elder directly out, then looked at the general and said, "Be nice to my second senior sister. If my master is angry, don't talk about Wuyue, even the three mountains can't protect you."

When the words fell, Xiao Chen had already turned around and walked out of the hall. He did this only to build momentum for Gu Xuanxuan. Even if they did not believe that Venerable Xihai was very strong, they would not dare to have any talents and strengths he showed. Change.

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