Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 3182: Old acquaintance!

"What you mean is that I can now enter the special illusion realm, and after a period of cultivation, the outside time will not change?"

"That's what it means."

"Then what are you waiting for, I'm going to enter the special-level fantasy realm now."

"Ding! Consume 10 billion pit margin value to open the special-level fantasy secret realm!"

"I'm going!" Xiao Chen almost fainted.


After the explosion, Chun Yuhou appeared thousands of miles away, looking at the center of the explosion, his eyes were full of shock and horror. The explosion just swallowed thousands of high-level combatants and caused countless casualties.

If it weren't for him to know Xiao Chen's cultivation base, he even thought it was done by an eighth-order powerhouse.

"You didn't even die, it seems you have a very big life!" At this moment, a surprised voice rang. I don't know when, Xiao Chen appeared not far away.

"It's you!" Chun Yuhou was startled.

"Of course it is me, who do you think it is." Xiao Chen smiled.

"Huh." Chun Yuhou exhaled. When the battle began, he was afraid of being affected, so he stayed away from the battlefield. The main target of the Shanghai Clan in Canada was Xiao Chen. He didn't pay attention to him at all, so he could escape here safely.

"Huh, isn't it?" Chun Yuhou seemed to have discovered something, and instantly looked at Xiao Chen, his eyes flashed with surprise.

"Shenzhen First Heavy, have you broken through to First Transformation?"

"Yes what's the matter?"

Chunyuhou suddenly choked, what happened? Wasn't it still Tier 6 just now? Why didn't you see it for a while, it was already Tier 7, how did this break through?

"Don't be stunned, you go quickly, the powerful enemy is here." Xiao Chen said, and just as his voice fell, several figures had appeared nearby. Looking at Xiao Chen, his eyes were full of cold, even A little serious.

"Tiger Jiao, Laogui, Zhang Qianmian, are all the old acquaintances here?" Xiao Chen said lightly.

Several people did not speak, but stared at Xiao Chen.

"What are their cultivation bases? Why do I feel so depressed?" Chun Yuhou couldn't help asking.

"Are they, they are all Tier 8 powerhouses!"

"Huh, rank eight!" Chun Yuhou was dumbfounded, and then, finally recovered, watching Hu Jiao and others hurriedly said: "Seniors, I am not familiar with him, we have nothing to do with him."

Xiao Chen cast a glance at Chun Yuhou, a little speechless, but he didn't say much.

As for Hu Jiao and others, they didn't look at Chun Yuhou at all, an ordinary seventh-order powerhouse, they didn't take it seriously.

Chunyuhou smiled sly. In front of the tigers and the others, he was just an ant. How could an elephant see an ant?

"You kid, where did the monster come from?" Zhang Qianmian finally spoke after a long while.

"Monster? Although this title is good, I prefer you to call me the **** of death Xiao Chen."

Xiao Chen said lightly, facing the eighth-tier strong, there is no fear.

"Xiao Chen, the **** of killing, with a big tone." Hu Jiao sneered.

"Since you are so disdainful, then do it, oh, yes, I have forgotten, you should be afraid, afraid of the colorful butterfly."

Xiao Chen had an expression of sudden realization, and just as his voice fell, Da Bai appeared beside him, yawning, and looked at Tiger and the others with disdain.

After seeing Da Bai, Zhang Qian's eyes condensed. His two clones were only destroyed if they were poisoned by Da Bai. Thinking of the horror of that poisonous poison, Zhang Qianmian still had some lingering fears.

"It's really annoying to bother me to sleep again." Da Bai said uncomfortably, and then looked at Tiger and the others, and said: "Is it to solve them? Hurry up, get rid of them, and I have to sleep."

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