Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 3181: Super illusion secret realm!

And every move and every attempt of Xiao Chen not only did not weaken, but became stronger. After fighting day and night, Xiao Chen did not show any signs of exhaustion, nor did he show signs of exhaustion. On the contrary, the more he fought, the more he fought. Strong.

"Is this still a human?" Chun Yuhou stared, fighting with such an intensity, even at the seventh or even the eighth level, the vitality should have been exhausted long ago, but Xiao Chen, as the sixth-level powerhouse, is still full of vitality. It can be said that the sea clan's attacks day and night did not exert any consumption effect at all.

In addition, Chun Yuhou also discovered that Xiao Chen had a special aura flowing around him, and this aura could actually heal Xiao Chen's injuries. In general, Xiao Chen was just killing the enemy, without defense at all.

"It's no wonder that the patriarch of the octopus clan and the clan patriarch of Tiger Jiao must first consume this kid's power. This kid's combat power is too strong, but this is just useless. It seems that high-end combat power must be used."

The 7th-ranked sea clan's face was heavy, and then he contacted the high-level sea clan. Soon after, the sea clan's high-end combat power emerged from all around. Although these sea clan numbers are not many, their auras are stronger than one. Sixth-order advanced.

Xiao Chen was finally no longer calm. Those who came were all high-ranking experts. It was already very difficult for Xiao Chen to kill them. On the contrary, due to the large number of opponents, he suffered a lot of injuries.

"Finally, did you really move?" Xiao Chen's expression also became a little dignified. His speed of killing enemies is much slower, but Xiao Chen is not in a hurry. What he is really afraid of is Zhang Qianmian and other rank eight powerhouses, and Hai The reason why the clan chooses the human sea tactics, in addition to consuming his power, I am afraid that the most important thing is to consume the power of the color wing butterfly.

However, Xiao Chen's trump card not only has Caiyidie, to be honest, he has been suppressing his killing intent because there are other people, but now, he will have nothing to worry about.

"The eye of reincarnation should also exert its true power of the world-destroying magic weapon." Xiao Chen's eyes condensed, and the eye of reincarnation at the center of his eyebrows opened slightly.

"The Tomb of Reincarnation!"

A special power suddenly spread, and everyone within a hundred miles of Xiao Chen stopped suddenly, and their eyes suddenly became dull.

"Use this to send you to the west!"

A ten-color halo appeared in Xiao Chen's hand. Xiao Chen would integrate all the power accumulated through the fight to transform the universe into the ten-party purgatory. The next moment, the ten-party purgatory suddenly exploded, a terrifying explosion, and strengthened the sluggish sea clan. Who swallowed all in an instant.

Xiao Chen appeared in the void above 10,000 meters, and the system prompts kept coming in his mind, but there was a prompt that caught Xiao Chen's attention.

"Ding! Congratulations to the player Xiao Chen for breaking through 10 billion Keng Yuan, and opening a special-grade fantasy realm!"

"Special Grade Illusory Secret Realm?" Xiao Chen was startled.

"The illusion secret realm is divided into low-level, intermediate, high-level, and special grade. The special illusion secret realm is a special existence because it is essentially different from the other three."

The elf said lightly.

"The essential difference?" Xiao Chen was startled again.

"Yes, the Super Fantastical Secret Realm has the same function as other secrets. As for its special function, it can be entered anytime and anywhere. In addition, as long as you enter the Super Fantastical Secret Realm, the outside time is static, that is, even if You have been cultivating for a hundred years in the realm of Extraordinary Illusion and Secret, and the time outside will not pass a second."

The elf explained.

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