Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 2909: Achieve a fake Dan!

"It should be." After Gu Xiaoxiao reacted, she took out a storage bag and handed it to Xiao Chen.

"Quickly, go in, someone in there will naturally take you to find Xiao Wan." Xiao Chen put away the storage bag with a smile on his face, then stepped aside.

"Thank you." Gu Xiaoxiao said, and then took the three princes into the Xiao Mansion.

"Let's go in too." Xiao Meng said.

"Wait, you haven't paid the labor service fee yet." Xiao Chen said.

"I'm looking for my daughter, need your consent?" Xiao Meng said coldly.

"Then you go in, but don't blame me for not reminding you, don't be driven out!" Xiao Chen said lightly.

"Humph!" Xiao Meng snorted coldly, ignored him, took Xiao Yang, and stepped into the door. Only a few breaths later, the two of them were beaten out. Xiao Meng was okay, barely able to stand, and Xiao Yang fell directly. Got a dog to eat shit.

"Oh, is this being kicked out?" Xiao Chen laughed.

Xiao Meng ignored Xiao Chen, but stared solemnly at the gate, Qi Gao, Mad Wolf, and Mo Yan came out together.

"Brother Meng, sorry, I cannot let you in without the master's order." Qi Gao said in a deep voice.

"Brother Qi Gao, can you tell me who the owner of this mansion is?" Xiao Meng said in a deep voice, Qi Gao, Crazy Wolf, Mo Yan, the three are all Tier 3 powerhouses, and in terms of clothing, all three It was dressed up by a servant, so he was very curious about the owner of this mansion.

"Sorry, no." Qi Gao shook his head.

"Even Hundred Yuanjing can't bear it, and want to visit the owner here, you should go back and wash and sleep." Xiao Chen laughed.

"Then I will visit again another day." Xiao Meng said solemnly, then pulled Xiao Yang up and turned away.

"Three young masters, if they know that the master of Xiao Mansion is you, will they regret it?" Wang Ling said.

"They don't regret it later. It's my business. It's you. A major event may happen recently. Starting today, you will cultivate for me." Xiao Chen turned his head and looked at Wang Ling and the others.


In the next two days, Xiao Chen recovered some of the useless resources in his body into pit margins, and then purchased a fifth-order defense formation, a fifth-order attack formation, and a fifth-order spirit gathering formation. The house has a brand new look.

With this fifth-order formation, even if the Nascent Soul Realm is strong, it is impossible to break the defense of Xiao Mansion.

Xiao Chen taught Kerr how to control the formation, and then arranged for Leng Bing to retreat and practice, and he took the fire unicorn and headed towards the Black Wind Forest again.

The main purpose of Xiao Chen's visit to the Black Wind Forest this time was to improve his cultivation, so the main object he was looking for was Yuan Beast!

Three months later, somewhere in the Black Wind Forest, a Tier 3 Yuan beast fell at Xiao Chen's feet.

"Finally broke through the fake pill!"

Xiao Chen murmured that for three months, Xiao Chen hadn't stopped at all. By continuously beheading Yuan Beast, swallowing Heli Pill, and using Yuan Jing to practice, Xiao Chen finally succeeded in breaking through the first layer of fake pill.

In addition, Xiao Chen upgraded the Seven Star Wings, Overlord Fist, and Galaxy Blade to Tier 5, and the Three Trials of Broken Realm were also upgraded to Tier 4. It can be said that Xiao Chen's overall strength has already made a major breakthrough.

"It's time to go back." Xiao Chen touched the Huo Qilin beside him, then turned over and headed directly towards the capital.

Only when he reached the periphery of the capital, Xiao Chen unexpectedly discovered that there were many troops stationed outside the capital, and they were not the troops of the North Yan Kingdom, but the troops of the Black Stone Kingdom. In addition, Xiao Chen also discovered the troops of many other small countries.

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