Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 2908: Labor fees!

"You're looking for death!" Xiao Yangqi's face was green, killing intent appeared in his eyes, and the eightfold aura of foundation building emerged from his body.

"Enough!" Just when Xiao Yang was about to do it, Xiao Meng coldly shouted, Xiao Yang's talent is indeed good, but his temperament is also a little too bad, and he was so provoked by a servant to lose his sense of measure. He has to sharpen his temperament.

"Yang'er, don't forget our purpose."

"I'm sorry, father, I lost my mind." Xiao Yang put away his breath and stabilized his mind, but the killing intent in his heart did not weaken at all, but became stronger.

"Let's go." After seeing Xiao Yang calm down, Xiao Meng nodded in satisfaction, but as for Xiao Chen, he didn't even look at it.

Just as Xiao Meng was about to step forward, another carriage sounded, and then a more expensive carriage came slowly, and then the third prince and Gu Xiaoxiao walked down.

"I have seen the three princes, the three princesses!" Xiao Meng and Xiao Yang bowed their hands.

"It turned out to be the Prime Minister and Young Master Xiao Yang." The Third Prince and Gu Xiaoxiao replied.

Gu Xiaoxiao got up and saw Xiao Chen and Wang Ling standing aside, and then took the three princes to the front, and said slightly, "This son should be Xiao Chen, Gu Xiaoxiao has seen Xiao Chen!"

"Gu Xiaoxiao, who, do you know?" Xiao Chen looked at Wang Ling, wondering.

"I don't know." Wang Ling shook his head.

Gu Xiaoxiao's face did not change, still smiling, she pulled the third prince, and said: "This is my sire, the current third prince, sire, don't you have to meet the prince Xiao Chen!"

"I have seen Young Master Xiao Chen." The third prince arched his hands reluctantly.

"Who is the third prince, I have never heard of it, have you heard of it?" Xiao Chen looked at Wang Ling again.

"No, the younger one only knows the eighth prince Chu Rui, the other princes are not very clear." Wang Ling answered truthfully.

Hearing this, the third prince's face sank, and he was already a little angry. Gu Xiaoxiao hurriedly pulled the third prince, and only after Gu Xiaoxiao's signal did the third prince calm down.

"Xiao Chen, these two are the third prince and the third princess, how can you be so rude, don't hurry up and apologize." The third prince and Gu Xiaoxiao have not spoken, Xiao Yang has already reprimanded.

"It's okay, Young Master Xiao Chen doesn't know that we are also normal. After all, we are not as famous as the Eighth Prince." Gu Xiaoxiao smiled.

Upon hearing this, Xiao Yang's expression was a little ugly.

"This woman is not easy." Xiao Chen and Xiao Meng looked at Gu Xiaoxiao, their eyes flashed unexpectedly.

"I heard that Sister Wan'er lives here. Sister Wan'er and I hit it off at the palace feast that day, so I came to see her specially today, and I hope Young Master Xiao Chen will pass the message on her behalf." Gu Xiaoxiao said slightly.

"Wan'er is here?" Xiao Meng asked in amazement. After the palace feast, he also looked for Xiao Wan, but Xiao Wan was taken away by the young master of Tianling Pavilion directly, so he did not continue to look for it. Will be here.

"It turned out to be the eldest sister." Xiao Chen smiled, and then faintly stretched out his hand.

"Young Master Xiao Chen, what do you mean?" Gu Xiaoxiao was taken aback, and asked somewhat puzzled.

"Labor fees, I'll help you pass it through. You pay me the labor fees. It's reasonable, but I'm very kind, so you can just give a hundred yuan crystal." Xiao Chen said with a loyal face.

The Third Prince and Xiao Yang both looked at Xiao Chen dullly, especially the Third Prince. This was the first time he saw someone dared to ask him for labor, and they only asked for one hundred yuan Jing. This is also kind. This is simply shameless.

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