Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 2898: Disciples of the Star Sect!

Everyone looked at Xiao Chen’s gazes, revealing a gloating look. Princess Nishang’s father, the third king, is the first **** of war in the Northern Yan Kingdom. Who provokes him will definitely not end well.

"Who are you? How can you come to this kind of place in such shabby clothes?" Princess Nishang gave Xiao Chen a cold glance and said with disdain.

Xiao Chen looked at Princess Nishang with surprise in his eyes, and then said: "Princess Nishang, we are poor and cannot afford good clothes."

"Oh, that's the case, you two will come with me, and I will change you new clothes, so as not to tarnish the royal reputation."

The Princess Nishang said indifferently, and then led Xiao Chen and two people into the palace hall in the stunned eyes of everyone.

"This Princess Nishang took the wrong medicine, but he didn't go crazy on the spot!"

"I think Princess Nishang wanted to torture them in another way. The two dumb boys followed the Princess Nishang. I'm afraid they won't know how to die by then."

Everyone talked a lot, but they didn't care much, but Xiao Chen and the two came to a side hall with the Princess Nishang.

"Wang Ling, you stay outside first." Xiao Chen ordered.

"Yes, Third Young Master!"

Xiao Chen and the Princess Nishang walked into the Piandian, and in the Piandian, there was a middle-aged man with extraordinary momentum and good looks.

"Disciple, see the Sect Master!"

The prince of neon clothes and the middle-aged person do so at the same time.

"You two belong to the Sky Star Sect?" Xiao Chen's eyes moved slightly. When he first met the Princess Nishang, he had a special feeling.

"Yes, Sovereign!"

"If I'm not mistaken, you should be the third king, the first war **** of the North Yan Kingdom." Xiao Chen looked at the middle-aged humanity.

"Yes, Sect Master, the new identity of the disciple is indeed the Third Prince." The Third Prince replied respectfully.

"As far as I know, no matter whether it is the Third Prince or Nishang Princess, nothing has happened. How did you rebirth in them?" Xiao Chen asked in surprise.

"If we return to the Sect Master, we actually swallowed the soul of the other party directly, and have all the memories and strengths of the predecessor. At the same time, within a certain range, we can perceive the aura of other disciples of the Sky Star Sect."

The third prince replied.

"Your rebirth status is pretty good." Xiao Chen said, and then slightly closed his eyes. Four familiar auras appeared in the sea of ​​knowledge, two of which were the two in front of him, and the other was Kerr.

"Unexpectedly, in this palace, including me, there are actually five people in the Sky Star Sect." Xiao Chen said in surprise.

"Yes, the Sect Master, and we also found out that the ancestor of the Northern Yan Kingdom was also a disciple of the Sky Star Sect." Three Kings said.

"Oh, the ancestors of the Northern Yan Kingdom, the first God of War and the three princes, the Princess Nishang, and the Young Master of Tianling Pavilion are all disciples of our Tianxing Sect. No interest, you still do whatever you want."

Xiao Chen said lightly.

"Yes, Sovereign!"

Xiao Chen nodded, then cheeky and asked the two of Yuanjing for some Yuanjing, and then walked out of the partial hall, and then the Nishang princess sent a person to lead Xiao Chen and Wang Ling to the banquet.

Xiao Chen and Wang Ling found a remote place, and the two of them feasted for a while. As for the hall, the lights were brightly lit and lively, and everyone with identity was talking.

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