Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 2897: Palace feast!

"Yes, San Young Master!" Qi Gao hurriedly said.

"What the **** is going on?" The Seventh Elder was completely dumbfounded, and couldn't react to what happened.

It was not until two days later that the seventh elders figured out the matter. The Third Young Master Xiao Chen was the master of the Xiao Mansion, the Third Young Master was the Young Pavilion Master of the Tianling Pavilion, and Qi Gao’s savior, Leng Bing Senior, was the personal guard of the Third Young Master. The head of the famous Crazy Wolf Mercenary Group, Crazy Wolf, is the commander of the Xiao Mansion’s guards, that Wang Ling is the horseman of Xiao Mansion, and he and Qi Gao are the second steward and chief steward of Xiao Mansion respectively.

He didn't even know how he came here when he heard the news. Isn't Xiao Chen a waste? But now, if you take out one person, I am afraid it is not weaker than the entire prime minister's house.

When the Seventh Elder was puzzled, he suddenly saw Xiao Chen quarreling with the Pavilion Master.

"You old bastard, you're too bad, don't you give me 300,000 yuan for more than 1.5 million yuan?" Xiao Chen scolded.

"My old man, this is for your good. There are so many cultivators in your mansion. You need medicinal pills, magical artifacts, and secret skills. Then I will send them to you directly. You can save a lot of things," the pavilion master said.

"Your Tianling Pavilion is all rubbish, so it's so expensive that a fool wants it."

"Bastard boy, I have to make an appointment for things in the Tianling Pavilion even if the emperor wants it. You even dislike this and that."

"Cut, what is Emperor Lao'er, can he compare with me?" Xiao Chen sneered with disdain.

"That should be the pavilion master of the Tianling Pavilion?" Chief Steward Qi Gao said in disbelief.

"It seems to be, but what is going on, the third young master is actually arguing with the pavilion master." The second steward and the seventh elder muttered.

"Is this really the third young master of the original Prime Minister's Mansion? If the Prime Minister knows about it, your intestines will be blue if you say he will regret it," the housekeeper murmured.

"Definitely!" The second housekeeper nodded very seriously.

In the quarrel between the pavilion owner and Xiao Chen, Xiao Chen was finally defeated by the pavilion owner’s cheeky. The 1.5 million yuan crystals obtained from the mission points were only 500,000 yuan, and all the rest were replaced with pill. Xiao Chen didn't even look at the pill, so he asked the steward to distribute it to others.

The news that Tianyi Villa had a new owner soon spread, but because of the recent preparations for the palace feast, the news was suppressed.

As for this palace feast, the royal family prepared it specifically for the young master of the Tianling Pavilion, Ke'er, in order to build a good relationship with the Tianling Pavilion. Even the crazy wolf received the invitation letter, and the Tianyi Villa naturally received the invitation.

Palace feast that night!

The gate of the palace.

An ordinary frame slowly stopped, and then two people walked out, one was Xiao Chen, and the other was Wang Ling who was acting as a groom.

"Who is this? It seems too shabby."

"That's right."

Xiao Chen is just dressed up, and Wang Ling is dressed up as a groom, because this palace hall is not worthy for Xiao Chen to dress up.

Xiao Chen didn't intend to pay attention to the other people's intentions, and walked towards the door with Wang Ling.


At this moment, there was a arrogant humiliation from behind, and then a woman who looked very arrogant came over with a few maids arrogantly.

"Isn't this Princess Nishang, she is here too!"

"Princess Nishang is notoriously bad-tempered. In addition, her father is a prince, and it is even more lawless. The kid who was stopped by her is over!"

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