Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 2879: Powerful fire unicorn!

"Three young masters, this is a fake pill strong, angering a fake pill strong, that is a terrible disaster!" Wang Ling looked at Xiao Chen and howled in his heart.

"Kill!" The mad wolf face was gloomy, already completely angry, and the voice fell, and the surrounding mercenary groups had already rushed towards Xiao Chen.

"Little guy, you should wake up too!" Xiao Chen threw the Huo Qilin in his arms directly, and Huo Qilin fell to the ground. He glanced at Xiao Chen dissatisfiedly, then looked at the mercenary group ahead, and suddenly turned into The size of a giant wolf,

Fire Qilin suddenly opened his mouth, and a flame of hundreds of meters wide spouted out, instantly engulfing all the mercenary groups in front of him. Then, an astonishing scene appeared. Those mercenary group members who were engulfed by flames did not have any resistance at all. Turned to ashes, fire unicorn, terrible!

Wang Ling opened his mouth wide, eyes full of shock.

The members of the mercenary group that were rushing to a halt suddenly stopped and watched this scene in horror.

The mad wolf felt the flame around him, his face was full of cold sweat, and even his body was a little stiff, just a few centimeters away, otherwise he would be swallowed by the flame. He could feel the flame temperature, even he could not escape.

"Yes, yes, just spray a few shots of flame, and you can kill all the people here." Xiao Chen clapped his hands, admiringly, and as Xiao Chen's voice fell, Huo Qilin also looked at the others in cooperation. People, and being swept by Huo Qilin's gaze, everyone was terrified and fearful in their hearts.

"Master San, did this little guy just do this?" Wang Ling looked at Huo Qilin, and said in disbelief.

"Don't look at it as small, it can kill you with a spit of fire, after all, it is a Tier 4 Yuan beast." Xiao Chen said lightly.

"What, fourth-order, isn't that equivalent to a strong spinner?" Wang Ling lost his voice, and when he heard Wang Ling's voice, the faces of the crazy wolf and others also changed wildly. The fourth-order elementary beast, that is not what they can Resisting.

"Could it be that the primordial beast egg hatched?" Crazy wolf thought of a certain possibility, his face was gloomy and water dripped, and his heart seemed to be pressed against a huge boulder.

"What's your name?" Xiao Chen asked faintly, looking at the mad wolf.

Hearing this, the mad wolf was startled, then calmed his mind and said in a deep voice, "mad wolf."

"Where did the Yuan Beast Egg come from?" Xiao Chen asked.

"Sure enough, he got that elementary beast egg." The mad wolf sank in his heart, and then said in a deep voice: "It was stolen from the nest of a fifth-order elementary beast."

"Fifth-tier Yuan Beast, do you rely on you?"

"At that time, there was a mysterious powerhouse fighting the fifth-order elementary beast, so we had the opportunity to sneak into its lair." The mad wolf honestly replied, in front of the fourth-order elementary beast, they could not run away.

"Mysterious powerhouse?" Xiao Chen murmured, then looked at the mad wolf and smiled lightly: "I need a messenger by my side."

Hearing this, the crazy wolf face changed. He understood what Xiao Chen meant, but how could he be willing to let him submit to a nine-strength Qi training, but even if he was unwilling to think of Huo Qilin, so what.

"The crazy wolf is willing to follow the son and never betray!" The crazy wolf's face changed, and then he knelt on one knee and said in a deep voice.

Xiao Chen looked at the mad wolf and ejected a pill. The mad wolf took the pill and said in a deep voice, "What is this?"

"Gu Pill." Xiao Chen said lightly.

"You don't trust me?" Mad Wolf's expression sank.

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