Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 2878: Right on my mind!

The whole process lasted for a full hour, and an hour later, Xiao Chen languidly fell to the ground, and there was no great power in his body. What's more, all the Heli Pills he had left had been used up, and he still owed it. One hundred Heli Pills were removed from the system.

"This is a bottomless pit, this time it is a big loss."

"Three young masters, are you okay?" Wang Ling helped Xiao Chen up and hurriedly asked.

"I'm fine." Xiao Chen shook his head, and at this moment, the unicorn egg heard the sound of clicking, and then the egg shell broke open. A fire unicorn the size of a milk dog and full of flames appeared in Xiao Chen. In front of Wang Ling.

Huo Qilin blinked a little confused eyes, looked around, then looked at Xiao Chen, a bright light appeared in his eyes, and then directly shrunk, fell into Xiao Chen's arms, and then closed his eyes and fell asleep.

"It's really a sleepy guy, Wang Ling, you guard the surroundings and I will regain my strength."

"Yes, Third Young Master!"

Three hours later, Xiao Chen's vitality gradually recovered, but at this moment, he suddenly opened his eyes, and his eyes flashed with misfortune.

"Master San, what's the matter?" Wang Ling asked strangely after seeing the change on Xiao Chen's face, even the Huo Qilin in his arms opened his eyes.

"Someone is here, and it's very strong." Xiao Chen said solemnly, and just as his voice fell, there was a brushing sound from all around. Soon, a group of figures appeared around, and in the blink of an eye, there was already Hundreds of figures surrounded the two of Xiao Chen.

"Crazy wolf mercenary group." Wang Ling's expression changed.

Xiao Chen also frowned slightly, and at this moment, a big man with thick eyebrows walked out of the crowd with a spear in his hand and a powerful aura exuding his body.

Wang Ling's face changed wildly again. He had only felt the breath of the man with thick eyebrows from the prime minister. That is to say, the person in front of him was probably a fake pill strong, and his identity was also ready to be revealed. It was the mad wolf mercenary group. Head, crazy wolf.

"Two little boys, who dare to kill my crazy wolf mercenary group, you are so bold!"

The mad wolf said coldly, his face full of murderous intent.

"You are killed, there is nothing you dare to dare, if you want revenge, I will accompany you to the end!" Xiao Chen said lightly.

"Interesting." The mad wolf stared at Xiao Chen, the momentum of the false pill realm crushed towards Xiao Chen, Xiao Chen stood still, as if he did not feel the momentum at all, but Wang Ling, under this momentum, Can't help but keep moving back.

"Sure enough, I have some abilities. No wonder people who dare to kill my crazy wolf mercenary group and hand over all the things you get from my crazy wolf mercenary group. I can spare your lives and allow you to join my crazy wolf mercenary group. corps!"

The mad wolf said coldly, the other things are not very valuable, but that elementary beast egg was stolen from a fifth-order elementary beast nest. Although they don’t know what elementary beast is, it must be very precious, and for In this yuan beast egg, more than a dozen strong foundation builders died in the crazy wolf mercenary group.

After so much effort, but was robbed by others, he has the urge to vomit blood.

Xiao Chen frowned slightly, already thinking of Huo Qilin, and then said lightly: "What if I refuse?"

"Then die!" the mad wolf said coldly.

"I also have this intention. If you kill you, you will definitely get many treasures." Xiao Chen said flatly.

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