Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 2843: One solution!

"Your Excellency is so big, my Baili family is one of the top ten saint nation forces, don't care about my Baili family, what are you relying on?" The old man sneered, even though the top ten saint races and other saint nation forces Disciple, dare not to insult their Baili family in this way.

"Why? I'm Xiao Chen!"

"Xiao Chen, what the hell, it's a bit familiar, but it doesn't seem to belong to the top ten saint races, and the other ten saint nation forces don't have such arrogance. It seems that there is nothing to worry about."

The old man searched his own memory and got the above conclusion, then without holding his hand, he directly stabbed Xiao Chen with a sword.

Xiao Chen sighed, Ling Tian appeared in his hand, and with a flick of his hand, a hole had already been pierced in front of the old man. The old man's eyes appeared astonished, and then he fell to the ground just like everyone else.

"What, even the Ancestor Peak was severely injured by one move, how is this possible."

"Who is your Excellency?"

As the voice fell, several silhouettes fell down, each of them exuded a powerful aura, and they were all the pinnacles of the ancestors, and the strongest had reached the fifth stage ancestors.

They looked at Xiao Chen with a heavy face. They didn't realize how Xiao Chen hurt the old man. The speed was so fast that even they couldn't guarantee that they would take it.

"You are really annoying. I just want to stroll around and feel the atmosphere of the Three Realms battlefield. Why do you always trouble me for no reason? You are saying that even if your Baili family wants trouble, you have to look for it. I’m not a weak person. You came to me. Are you tired of life and want to die?"

Xiao Chen said helplessly, but his voice was arrogant to the extreme with the tone.



"Your Excellency really thinks that you have some ability to fight against our Baili Family!"

They are all powerful ancestors at the pinnacle of the ancestors, killing countless demons, how can they be the weak, and they have already shot with an angry shout!

And it's all shots!

More than five powerful ancestors exude aura at the same time, to other powerful people, it is like the sky has collapsed.

"This kid dares to provoke the ancestors of the Baili family so much, he really thinks he is invincible in the world!"

"Now so many ancestors shot at the same time, let's see how he died!"

The saints all around showed a sneer, and at the same time, several ancestors of the Baili Clan compressed their terrifying power into a giant sword, and all their swords pointed towards Xiao Chen!

Xiao Chen looked at them lazily, until the sword's edge was less than three feet away from him, Xiao Chen appeared a series of spears, and then directly penetrated these giant swords, and then pierced them directly, followed by these old men. Zu, fell from mid-air, his breath languished, and he was already hit hard.


The eyes of the nearby holy race stared out, wondering if he had read it wrong.

The ancestors of the dignified Baili family shot at the same time, which can severely damage the attack of the sacred strong, and it was easily cracked, and these ancestors were all injured!

How is this possible?

They didn't believe it, these ancestors didn't want to believe it, and even the disciples of Baili family didn't want to believe it.

Can hurt so many ancestors at the same time, is it possible that the person in front of them is a sacred strong, if it is a sacred strong, how could they not know?

"Why? How could he be so strong that even the ancestors are not opponents?" Bai Lihong was full of disbelief. Although he was severely injured and could not get up, their consciousness was very clear.

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