Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 2842: Bailijia!

"Don't overpower yourself!"

Xiao Chen snorted coldly.

"You dare to severely wound Young Master Bailihong. You don't want to live anymore?" The young man, who is Bailihong's attendant, did not understand what happened, and found that Bailihong fell to the ground, and was seriously injured. Take a breath.

"Don't kill him because he is weak, and the weak must have the consciousness of the weak. If you dare to provoke me, don't blame me for being polite."

Xiao Chen said coldly.

"Oh, my disciple from the Baili family was actually said to be a weak person, but you seem to have only the second layer of the ancestor, are you not a weak person?"

At this moment, a few figures walked in the distance, and a young man walking in the forefront exuded the three-fold breath of the ancestor sage, and his eyes were a little cold looking at Xiao Chen.

"Who is this kid, dare to hurt the Baili family disciple here, doesn't he know that this is the camp of the Baili family?"

"I haven't seen it before. It should be a newcomer. It must be sent from other camps because of low strength."

A lot of disciples passing by around, shouted one after another, looking at Xiao Chen with pity in their eyes.

Xiao Chen glanced at the other party, still didn't intend to pay attention, turned around and wanted to leave.

But this Baili family disciple was like Bailihong. Seeing Xiao Chen turned and left, his face suddenly became gloomy, and the three-fold aura of the Ancestor Saint was released, and he slapped Xiao Chen directly.

Xiao Chen's face was flat, and he waved his sleeves with his backhand. This Baili disciple, like Bailihong, had vomited blood and flew out, and then fell to the ground with only one breath left.

"Your Excellency is so capable, and he hurts an ancestral triple powerhouse at will, then let me try your skills!"

A four-fold middle-aged humanity of the ancestor sage, then rushed towards Xiao Chen, Xiao Chen still waved his sleeves, and the middle-aged man was already lying on the ground.

"So strong, but he actually injured three disciples of the Baili family in a row. This is beating the Baili family in the face, and the Baili family will definitely not let him go."

"It's interesting, the disciples of the Baili family are all around, and I don't know how long he can hold on!"

"I'll go, no, the disciple of the Baili family of the sixth layer of Ancestor Saint, also got down with a trick!"

"Damn, I was beaten down when I went up together!"

The passers-by all around looked at this scene with shocked faces. At this time, there were already a dozen disciples of the Baili family lying on the ground, and they were still lined up in a row, all of whom were seriously injured.

At this moment, a strong pressure suddenly came, and then an old man with a fairy wind and bones fell down, glanced at the Baili family disciple lying on the ground, and frowned slightly.

"Your Excellency did these?" The old man looked at Xiao Chen indifferently.

"Yes!" Xiao Chen nodded lightly.

"Your Excellency wounded my disciple of the Baili family at my Baili family camp. Did you bully my Baili family?" the old man said indifferently, his eyes flashing cold.

"You should ask me why I hurt them. It's never too late to say it after you ask clearly." Xiao Chen said lightly.

"Hmph, no matter what the reason, your Excellency has injured my Baili family disciple, you must give an account!" The old man sneered. The Ancestor Saint Peak actually burst out suddenly and pressed against Xiao Chen.

"It's a good thing to protect your shortcomings, but you have to ask who is right and who is wrong. I don't care about your Baili family. I'm already on the Internet. If you don't know what is good or bad, don't blame me for being polite.

The grandeur of Ancestor Saint Jiuzhong, to Xiao Chen, was like a breeze, how could it move him at all.

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