Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 2838: Beating Mu Longtian!

Mu Fengming was taken aback, and just at this moment, he realized that at some point, the surrounding world had become a green world, and Linghu Fanghua’s tree-man was even bigger than before, with blood-red eyes. , So that other holy races could not help but step back.

"What's going on?" Mu Fengming asked in disbelief. He felt that the surrounding area was full of wood attribute power, and Linghu Fanghua's combat effectiveness in this environment could double.

"It's just a little trick, so you can watch the show with peace of mind. After all, if you make a move, so many trees attack at the same time, and others won't survive." Xiao Chen said lightly.

"Are you threatening me?" Mu Fengming's expression sank. He really didn't understand what Xiao Chen and Linghu Fanghua were talking about. What made Linghu Fanghua even more angry with him was that, He was even threatened.

"Just treat it as a threat. After all, if you don't threaten you, you are afraid that you will do stupid things. In case you do stupid things, it is not enough to look at with your divine sevenfold strength."

"You can see through my cultivation level?" Mu Fengming asked in surprise.

"Didn't you say that I was born again by the master of the demon clan? How can you not see through your cultivation base?" Xiao Chen said lightly, with some disdain in his voice.

Hearing this, Mu Fengming's complexion condensed, and at this moment, Mu Longtian was surrounded by Mu Qingcheng and the others. None of the ten direct disciples kept their hands, and greeted Mu Longtian with one foot after another. , Mu Longtian's scream of humiliation rang instantly.

"In other words, I once said that I saw Mu Longtian once and beat him once. Since I have said it, I take it for granted." Xiao Chen suddenly said indifferently, then a little bit below his feet, the person has disappeared, and then Mu Longtian is like a football Same, kicked by Xiao Chen and others.

Seeing this, Mu Fengming just wanted to rescue him, Linghu Fanghua's already cold gaze made him stop suddenly.

"Long Tian, ​​Long Tian, ​​the adoptive father is sorry for you, and the adoptive father can't save you." Mu Fengming sighed. As for the other saints, he didn't dare to take action. He could only watch silently. The recent rise in the Holy Realm Alliance Little geniuses are played like footballs.

And this miserable cry lasted for a full half an hour, and after half an hour, Mu Longtian was already inhuman.

"Is there anyone else you want to beat?" Xiao Chen asked.

"Yes." The ten direct disciples said in unison.

"Then lead the way, even if you are the leader of the Holy Realm Alliance, you can beat you as a teacher." Xiao Chen said lightly.

"Master is mighty!" The ten direct disciples were excited, but Mu Fengming and the others were a little dumbfounded, even the leader of the Holy Realm Alliance could beat them, what a joke.

But now Linghu Fanghua is convinced of Xiao Chen, they can only follow Xiao Chen to the Holy Realm Alliance, but it didn't take long, suddenly a group of monsters stopped them, and the leader was the Black Tiger Demon. will!

"Isn't this both male and female? I didn't expect that you have not left yet. This time it is not in vain." The Black Tiger Demon General said lightly, his eyes full of abuse.

"It turns out that it is the Black Tiger Demon General, the Black Dragon Demon General, the Black Snake Demon General, and the three major demon generals under the seat of Bear Emperor. It is really rare!" Mu Fengming glanced at the Black Tiger Demon General and the two big men behind him. , There is a dignified color in his eyes.

"Male and female, although your husband and wife are powerful, but our three major demon generals shot at the same time today, there is no way for you to survive, how about you, if you are interested in joining us, we Xiongdi value both of them."

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