Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 2837: Beat Mu Longtian first!

"It turned out to be the magic dragon order, that foster father, absolutely can't let him go this time." Mu Longtian was startled, and then looked at the other powerful saints, and began to arrange the sound transmission. Soon, these powerful people moved around Surrounded.

It didn't take long.

Boom boom boom!

There was a powerful aura from the ten personally transmitted disciples, and they had all broken through. This movement also attracted the attention of others.

"Congratulations!" Xiao Chen withdrew from the soundproof formation and came to the front road.

"Thank you, Master!"

"Such a young three-turned ancestor, the future is limitless, Xiao Chen, you have accepted a few good students." Linghu Fanghua praised.

"As the saying goes, the master leads the door, and the practice depends on the individual. They can achieve what they are today, and it all depends on their own efforts."

"But I heard from Chen Kexing that in the past year, they have been controlled by the Holy Realm Alliance for most of the time. The rest of the time is used as bait to fight in the Three Realms battlefield. Although Xiao Chen is not talented, as their master, absolutely not It will make them suffer any kind of grievance, so my dear disciples, in this more than a year, what kind of grievance you have suffered, who you want to beat or who you want to kill, can be said, and be the master for you!"

Xiao Chen said lightly, but his tone was indeed full of no doubt.

"Master, the first person to be beaten is Mu Longtian. Let us be bait is what he suggested, and he also wants us to be his women, threatening to lure many times, and ask Master to be the master!"

Mu Qingcheng said first, his face was full of humiliation. It was only a trifle to deal with a Mu Longtian with their strength, but because of the two evils, they couldn't take revenge.

"Okay, then I will beat Mu Longtian first!" Xiao Chen said lightly.

"Xiao Chen, you should worry about yourself first. If you can have the Demon Dragon Order, you should have a high status in the Demon Race. If you can catch you, you should be able to give the Demon Race a big blow."

At this moment, Mu Longtian's faint voice sounded, and then Mu Fengming and Mu Longtian had already fallen, and other powerful men surrounded Xiao Chen and others.

"Xiao Chen is my son, whoever dares to move, I will let you turn it into fertilizer." Linghu Fanghua swept around with a cold eye, the breath surging out of his body, and there were already many tree people around, a **** smell. , Tangy.

"Hua'er, what do you mean?" Mu Fengming was taken aback, looking at Linghu Fanghua with some puzzlement.

"Xiao Chen is our son. This is absolutely true. I didn't protect him before. In the future, unless I die, I won't let anyone touch him!"

Linghu Fanghua said coldly, his voice full of firmness and determination.

"But he has the Demon Dragon Order, it must be related to the Demon Race." Mu Fengming hurriedly said.

"How about that, I only know that he is my son."

"Foster father, the demons are cunning by nature, and the stepmother must have been deceived by Xiao Chen's flamboyant words. You will hold the stepmother first, and we will catch Xiao Chen first." Mu Longtian said solemnly.

"Okay." Mu Fengming nodded. The only way to do this now is that he just wanted to do something, and suddenly a figure flashed by, and then he found that Xiao Chen had appeared next to him, and Mu Longtian had been killed. Xiao Chen kicked him among the ten direct disciples.

"Mu Fengming, it's useless. In this environment, you can't beat my mother." Xiao Chen said lazily, holding his head in both hands.

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