Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 2815: Return to the imperial capital!

"The compensation of the system this time really gave me a lot of surprises." Xiao Chen took the sword and stood. After the Star River Blade was upgraded to the Primordial Secret Technique, its blade can be big or small, and the smaller the better, the better the control, and the power is not weak. .

After Xiao Chen took the knife, the bodies of the fat three people suddenly turned into stars and disappeared into the dark starry sky.

Xiao Chen and Li Si continued to shuttle in the starry sky. Although the three-month period had expired, Li Si did not intend to leave, but stayed by Xiao Chen's side, being a hero.

A year later, Xiao Chen's magic power in the Mark of Eliminating Demons and the Holy Power in the Mark of Eliminating Saints were very sufficient, but the purchase of demon crystals was too expensive, so the magic power in the Mark of Eliminating Demon was somewhat insufficient.

"Sisters and the others have already returned to the imperial capital half a year ago. It seems that I have to prepare to leave too!"

After discussing with Li Si, Li Si also wanted to go to the imperial capital, so Xiao Chen took Li Si straight to the imperial capital.

When Xiao Chen and the two returned to the imperial capital, they found that the imperial capital was much more lively than before, and there were many more powerful demons. Only after inquiring did I know that because the demon emperor princess Dugu Bailian's martial arts competition ceremony, the eight major families and many arrogances, Has come to the imperial capital.

"Is this the imperial capital? It's so beautiful!" Li Si looked at the imperial capital, with a little excitement in his eyes. Compared with the imperial capital, even if Yunxing was destroyed, it was a lot worse.

"I'll take you to take a look at the place where the Demon Emperor and the Demon Empress live." Xiao Chen said, and then took Li Si to the gate of the palace.

"Which force are you from?"

Because of the lonely white lotus recruitment ceremony, the defense was also much more. At this time, Xiao Chen and two were stopped by a team of guards at the door.

"You don't know me?" Xiao Chen asked.

"Report your power." The team leader's guard said coldly.

"We are not from any forces, forget it." Xiao Chen was about to take out the magic dragon order when suddenly a mocking voice came from behind him.

"The soil buns from nowhere, without any influence, dare to come to the palace."

As the ridiculous voice fell, several young people came over, the one headed with a hint of arrogance on his face.

Xiao Chen and Li Si glanced at a few people and didn't intend to pay attention, but at this time a few young people had already walked over and looked at the guards headed by them: "We are the winner of the eight big families, and I am the winner Yingzheng."

"It turns out that it is the winner of the Eight Great Families, Yingzheng, a few of them can enter after registering." The team leader said hurriedly.

Ying Zheng nodded faintly, glanced proudly at the two of Xiao Chen, and walked in. At this moment, there was a loud noise, and then a group of people gushed out of the door, and the leader was Duguyuehe Lonely white lotus.

"It's Princess Yue'er and Princess Bailian!"

"The two princesses are so beautiful!"

"If it can be favored by the two princesses, it will be worth it in this life."

"I have seen two princesses!"

The guards on both sides hurriedly saluted.

"Two princesses, hello." Yingzheng brought a few young people to the front, arched his hands, with a look of admiration in his eyes.

"Are you?" Dugu Yue asked with a smile looking at Yingzheng.

"The next winner is Yingzheng." Yingzheng hurriedly said.

"Yingzheng, it turned out to be you. I have heard of you. One of the three great arrogances of the winner. At a young age, he already has the sacred five-fold cultivation base, and his future is limitless."

Duguyue smiled.

Seeing Duguyue's smile, Yingzheng was agitated. He didn't expect Duguyue to know him, and felt flattered.

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