Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 2814: Xiao Chen's strength!

"Li Swordswoman, since you hate the Demon Emperor, why not cooperate with us, we are all enemies of the Demon Emperor, and we all hope that the Demon Emperor will die." The fat man laughed.

"Yes, yes!" The other two hurriedly agreed.

"But this heroine has to go to fight for justice and has no time to kill the Demon Emperor." Li Si said embarrassedly.

"I'm going, the chivalrous man is righteous, what a weird thing, I still think of the chivalrous righteousness." The three people turned their hearts to contempt, but their faces were full of smiles.

"Unexpectedly, Li Woman Xia has such great ambitions. Then Li Woman Xia, you should cooperate with us. The Demon Emperor is doing a lot of evil, and his minions and hands are full of blood. It is better for us to kill the Demon Emperor envoy and punish him. Destroy evil!"

The pretty fat man said awe-inspiringly.

"Okay!" Li Si immediately clapped his hands and agreed, but just at this moment, a sudden explosion sounded, and then horrible fluctuations came to this side.

"What is this, what a terrifying power!"

"What are you doing in a daze? Defend quickly!" shouted the withered blood.

Then the three of them hurriedly deployed their defenses. Seeing this, Li Si frowned slightly, and also launched defenses.

When the defense was formed, horrible fluctuations swallowed them in an instant. The fat three people just persisted for a while before they were blown away.

After everything subsided, Xiao Chen stood there, and around him, no matter it was the monsters or the demons, there was no sign of them.

"What a terrifying ten-party purgatory!"

Xiao Chen was a little frightened. The Chaos Realm was also directly promoted by the system into a great and wild secret method. In addition to the Absolute Ice Realm and the Absolute Thunder Hell, there were also eight other domain powers, and on top of this, there was another one. To recruit the strongest attack, that is the fusion of the power of ten domains, that is, ten directions of Purgatory!

"This ten-party purgatory is considered to be a large-scale killing move, and it can't be used indiscriminately in the future!"

Xiao Chen said lightly, and then looked in a certain direction, the next moment, it had disappeared directly.

"What the **** is going on?" At this time, the fat three people had stabilized their figures, but they were a little embarrassed now.

"Li Nv is really amazing, it's all right, but does Li Nv know what's going on?"

The three came to Li Si's side, first touted Li Si, and then asked.

"The fluctuation came from Mr. Xiao Chen's direction. Did he do it?" Li Si didn't answer the three people's words, but looked at the direction Xiao Chen was a little curiously.

But at this moment, a figure suddenly flashed out and fell in front of everyone.

"Li Swordswoman, why haven't you solved them yet?" Xiao Chen glanced at the three of them and said.

"Are you okay?" The pretty fat man looked at Xiao Chen with an incredible color in his eyes.

"Li Swordswoman, have you been playing for so long? I have already solved it on my side." Xiao Chen said a little speechless.

"What, are all solved?" The three fat guys were taken aback. With so many monsters and so many powerful subordinates, even if they want to kill them, it will take a lot of effort. How long is this and how is it possible.

"Mr. Xiao Chen, you caused the explosion just now?" Li Si asked.

"Well, I tried a new move. I didn't control the power and it took a lot of time. Let's continue on the road."

Xiao Chen said lightly, the voice fell, a knife appeared in his hand, and then he cut three knives in succession, three sword lights suddenly appeared, and then suddenly disappeared. When he appeared again, he was already fat, faceless, and bloody. He was in front of him, and then directly cut through their bodies in their shocked eyes.

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