Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 2812: Courageless Rats!

Xiao Chen looked at Li Si, and after more than a month of getting along, Xiao Chen discovered that Li Si was a child who had not grown up at all. As long as he praised him a few words, he would be happy.

"Yes, Mr. Xiao Chen, but the husband has been smirking for more than an hour. What happened?"

"Li Swordswoman, I was not smirking, and we should continue on the road!"

Xiao Chen stood up, and since Li Si understood what the heroes meant, he strongly demanded that Xiao Chen call her Li Nuxia, which in her words was to pull the wind.

"Yes, Mr. Xiao Chen!"

"Wait, there seems to be an unexpected visitor." Xiao Chen stopped suddenly. Within this month, as long as he had time, he would practice Soul Art, so his perception was very strong.

Sure enough, after a short while, black demon energy appeared in all directions, and then the demon energy stopped not far away. Demon races walked out of the demon energy, and behind them, there were roars from time to time, and then turned into A violent monster.

"Haha, are they, a kid, a girl doll!" A big fat man in a black robe walked out of the Demon Race, looking at the two of Xiao Chen, his face was full of abuse.

"With the Demon Dragon Order, the Demon Emperor's Envoy will definitely have a sense of accomplishment in killing." Another gloomy old man walked out and looked at Xiao Chen and licked his dry lips, his face was full of perverted killing intent. .

"If you can get the Demon Dragon Order, you must be the Demon Emperor's cronies and kill him, so that the Demon Emperor will feel distressed." A very strong man with scars on his face, unable to distinguish his facial features, stared at the two of Xiao Chen. , His eyes are full of hatred.

"Blood withered, faceless, there are only two prey, who of our three will take the shot?" The fat man looked at the other two and asked.

"The old man wants to drain all the blood in their bodies and refine them into zombies and throw them into the imperial capital. It must be very interesting at that time." The blood withered man said grimly.

"No, I want to do it myself. The Devil Sovereign disfigured me and killed my wife and children. This hatred has been in my heart for tens of thousands of years." The faceless man shouted angrily, murderous.

"Pretty fat, blood-stained, faceless man, I seem to have heard the Demon Sovereign mention that it is his original enemy, so that's it, I already know your intentions."

Xiao Chen looked at these three people and said lightly, he heard the Demon Sovereign casually mention that these three people were his original enemies, and they were strong among them. I'm afraid this time it was also because of the Devil Dragon Order that they were provoked.

"Fat, blood withered, faceless, are they famous?" Li Si asked curiously.

"A bunch of courageous rats, how can you be famous for Li Nv Xia." Xiao Chen laughed.

"That said, a group of guys who are not on the stage, there is a female hero, as long as they dare to touch you, I will kill them all!"

Li Si said with a firm face.

"Boy, you are fine!"

Listening to the conversation between the two of them, the killing intent on the faces of the three of them is stronger, especially the sentence of courageless rats, it is more like poking them in the pain, but also, they dare not seek revenge from the Demon King, they only dare to find some The revenge of the people related to the Demon King is not the courageous rat generation.

"This little girl's cultivation is not weak. The three of us will deal with him and let the others break this kid into pieces!"

The fat anger has reached a point.

"No, the broken body is too cheap for him, I will cut him a thousand times!" The faceless man looked at Xiao Chen coldly.

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