Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 2811: bargain!

Outside the main city of the Han family!

The ancestor of the Han family has appeared nearby, looking at Li Si, his eyes are full of solemnity: "The four powerhouses of Miyun Pirates, is it true that what the Demon King said at the beginning? There are really no less than four Miyun Pirates. My strong?"

After seeing Li Si's mood stabilized, Xiao Chen turned to look at the strong Han family and said, "Is there anyone in the Han family who can be the master, come out and speak."

"In the next Han family ancestor Han Wenshan." Han Wenshan stood up and said.

"I want to use the Han Family Teleportation Array, and please my ancestors to do it for convenience!" Xiao Chen threw out the magic dragon order, and then he said.

Han Wenshan took the magic dragon order, his eyes condensed, then returned the magic dragon order to Xiao Chen, and said solemnly: "Please here."

"Thank you, ancestor!"

Han Wenshan sent Xiao Chen and Li Si out of the main city of the Han family in the eyes of everyone's puzzled.

"Ancestor, did you let them go so easily?"

"That little girl has a terrifying power in her body, even if I am not sure I can keep her, and that kid holds the magic dragon order."

Han Wenshan said solemnly.

"Magic Dragon Order!" The strong Han family were all surprised.

"Possessing the Devil Dragon Order means that the kid has a very close relationship with the Devil Emperor. Although our Han family can't do anything, there are many rebellious parties suppressed by the Devil Emperor and the Queen."

Han Wenshan said gloomily, with cold light flashing in his eyes, how could it be easy for the Demon Emperor and the Queen to have been in charge of the Demon Realm for so many years without an enemy, and to avoid the pursuit of the Demon Emperor and the Queen.

"Ancestor Shengming!"

Xiao Chen and Li Si had left the Han family's sphere of influence for a month. At this time, Xiao Chen had already received three monster planets, and the system had finally been upgraded.

What left Xiao Chen speechless was that after the system upgrade was completed, there was not much change, but the power of all skills increased by one level.

And the system didn't even have a holy power value, which meant that he had no way to upgrade, but there was an extra holy seal. The holy seal was the same as the seal of demons and demon, and it could store holy power.

"System, what you mean is that I can't upgrade now, I have converted to sacred power, and my cultivation has always been in the ancestor-sage second level, then how can I improve my strength?" Xiao Chen asked in his heart.

"As long as the host keeps running the Nine Turns Divine Desolation Judgment, spreading the power of the wildness in the body to all parts of the body, strengthening the body, it can increase the strength."

"There is no way to upgrade. This is too sudden. System, should you compensate me?"

"Also, this upgrade has been upgraded for more than a month, and there are no new features. Should I be compensated?"

"Well, the system can promote the Seven Star Wing to the Primordial Secret Technique for free!"

"How about only one promotion, at least ten!"

"Host, this is the lion's big mouth, two at most!"

"How can it be regarded as a lion's open mouth? You don't know when you can update. It can be said that the future is dark. I feel that your system is old and useless."

"Up to three!"




Xiao Chen bargained with the system for a long time, and finally failed to convince the system, so he could only upgrade the Seven Star Wing, Galaxy Blade, and Chaos Realm to a wild secret method, and it was still free.

"Little boy, what are you laughing at?" Suddenly Li Si's voice came from his ear, and Xiao Chen, who was sitting cross-legged on a pumice stone, opened his eyes lightly.

"A beautiful and lovely woman, you should call me Mr. Xiao Chen."

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