Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 2769: Black Widow!

Immediately afterwards, a thunder appeared out of thin air above the expedition mausoleum, and it accurately fell on the two of them. Their figures were instantly smashed to the ground by the thunder, and then a large hole was formed in the expedition mausoleum, exuding the power of thunder.

"what happened?"

"It seems that someone is fighting, there are two auras in the thunder hole."

The sudden thunder shocked many people, and then many strong men came to the big hole. When they saw the two dying Ning Weiwei and Xue Haoran in the big hole, they were shocked.

"This should be Xue Haoran and Ning Weiwei of the Xue family, why are they beaten like this?"

"Isn't it that you are not allowed to fight when you go to the mausoleum? Who is so bold and dares to take action in the mausoleum.

"It's the little girl next to that kid. If I'm not mistaken, that little girl is Mu Qingguo of the Mu Family of the Ten Great Sage Races. She performed very well in the previous Tianjiao melee. I didn't expect that just now, she actually In an instant, Xue Haoran and Ning Weiwei lost their resistance."

Suddenly someone said, and then everyone looked at Mu Qingguo beside Xiao Chen.

Hao Zhize, Li Qisheng and others also came nearby. When they saw Xiao Chen and Mu Qingguo, they first flashed the killing intent, and then they were happy.

"Xue family, this is the power of the Holy Nation stronger than my Tianyu Holy Nation. This kid has offended the Xue Family again. I want to see how you died this time?" A surprise flashed in Hao Zhize's eyes.

"Qinguo, your cultivation level?" Linghu Fangning looked at Mu Qingguo, with a look of stunned expression in her eyes. If she had not read it wrong, Mu Qingguo's cultivation level at this time had reached the ancestral sage. .

Mu Fengluan also looked at Mu Qingguo in shock. Although she was only the pinnacle of the ancient sage, she still had a certain understanding of the strengths of Ning Weiwei and Xue Haoran, but they were so powerful that they were solved instantly by Mu Qingguo. Now, is the girl in front of him already stronger than Mu Longtian?

"Sister, are you going to the Battlefield of the Three Realms?" Xiao Chen asked when he came to Mu Fengluan.

Hearing Xiao Chen's words, Mu Fengluan reacted, nodded, then looked at Xiao Chen, and after a while, said: "Your talent is really strong. How long has it been? You will be the pinnacle of the ancient sage, I'm afraid It won’t take long to overtake me."

Xiao Chen looked at Mu Fengluan's eyes with both joy and loss. He moved slightly and said, "Sister, you come with me."

"Where to go?" Mu Fengluan was taken aback.

"Come with me." Xiao Chen said.

"Okay." Mu Fengluan nodded, just about to leave with Xiao Chen, but found several figures falling in the big hole, bringing Ning Weiwei and Xue Haoran out, and an old woman in the lead looked at the tragic situation of the two. , His face was extremely gloomy.

"Who hurt them both?" the old woman said coldly.

"This is the black widow of the Xue family, even she is here. Isn't she already closed for life? She appeared here, has she broken through?"

Li Qisheng looked at the old woman and said in shock, and then he was overjoyed: "The black widow is strong, and the degree of short-term protection is not weaker than Chen Kexing. With her, I will see if Chen Kexing can protect that kid."

After the other people recognized the black widow, their faces were shocked. The black widow’s real name was Xue Lin. She was a strong man of the older generation, several times higher than Chen Kexing’s seniority, and she was like a nickname, Xue Lin was very good. It was sinister and vicious, and it was very famous at the time, but it was only a few hundred years ago that Xue Lin closed his life and died, but he did not expect to appear at this time.

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