Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 2768: It must be sent to death!

At this time, hearing Xue Haoran's words, many of the Mu family members who knew about this matter also turned cold, including Linghu Fangning.

Ning Weiwei looked at Mu Fengluan with a cold face, her eyes flashed a sneer, and then she persuaded, "Fengluan, you see Brother Haoran still misses you, you should listen to him and go back. The cultivation base of Saint Pinnacle must be sent to death if you go to the battlefield of the Three Realms. If you really die, Brother Haoran and I will be sad."

"Which idiot said that the ancient sage peak went to the battlefield of the Three Realms, must be sent to death?" At this moment, a faint voice suddenly rang, and then a figure in a black robe slowly walked in and looked at Ning Weiwei.

"Xiao Chen!" Mu Fengluan's face showed surprise after seeing the figure in Heipao.

"Xiao Chen!" Mu Longtian looked at Xiao Chen with a gloomy look.

"Xiao Chen, where are you guys? Why can't I see you these days." Linghu Fangning was also relieved after seeing Xiao Chen.

"Who are you? Is there any place for you to interrupt here?" Ning Weiwei looked at Xiao Chen, and when she found that Xiao Chen only had the Peak of Old Sage, she didn't care much, and said coldly.

"It's the Old Sage pinnacle that you idiot said just now. Going to the battlefield of the Three Realms will definitely die." Xiao Chen looked at Ning Weiwei and said lightly.

"Presumptuous, where the ignorant junior dare to speak to me like this." Ning Weiwei's expression became cold.

"Xiao Chen, don't be rude, these two are..." At this moment, Mu Longtian reprimanded coldly.

"I said, wherever I am, you'd better not talk, or you would say it once and give it a beating." Xiao Chen suddenly looked at Mu Longtian, and then moved and appeared in front of Mu Longtian. Slap directly to fly it out.

At the moment Mu Longtian flew out, Xiao Chen had already returned to the original place, as if nothing had happened, and Mu Fengluan and Linghu Fangning looked at all this in a daze.

"You just said that the ancient sage peak went to the battlefield of the Three Realms to die, and my sister-in-law and I are both ancient sage peaks, can I think that you are cursing us to die?"

Xiao Chen looked at Ning Weiwei and said indifferently: "We have no grievances with you, but you want to curse us to death. What is your heart? Immediately apologize to me and my sister-in-law, otherwise I have to say a few words and curse you. Up."

"Huh?" Hearing Xiao Chen's words, everyone looked at Xiao Chen in amazement.

After a while, Ning Weiwei giggled and said, "It turned out to be a disciple of the Mu family. Are you trying to complain for Mu Fengluan? But what I said is the truth. You went to the Three Realms with the cultivation base of your ancient sage peak. The battlefield is to die, why should we apologize?"

"Fengluan, so are you. Come on when you come. Why do you want to bring your younger generation from the Mu family and let him be buried with you?" Xue Haoran shook his head.

"I..." Mu Fengluan was directly choked.

"You gave you a chance. Since you don't apologize, let me say a few words. One ancestor sage eightfold and one ancestral sage sevenfold. Your strength is too weak. If you go to the battlefield of the Three Realms, you are going to die. Stay here and rest."

Xiao Chen said lightly, and as his voice fell, a figure full of extinct thunder flame suddenly appeared beside him, and then he banged two punches and directly hit the faces of Ning Weiwei and Xue Haoran.


Ning Weiwei and Xue Haoran didn't understand what was happening, they felt a pain in their faces, and then flew out directly.

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