Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 2275: Big shot!

"Who are you, why do you want to make trouble in my Sihaigang?" An older elder glanced at the Sihaigang disciples. At a glance, he could see that these disciples were only injured, and they could recover after a period of rest. Man did not slap a cruel hand, so he did not rush to do it.

"Dark King City Sky Star Sect Sect Master Xiao Chen, please see Pan Feng's helper." Xiao Chen said lightly.

"The Dark King City?"

The eyes of a few people were shocked. The old man recalled it in his mind, and did not find any Sky Star Sect in the Dark King City. Then the old man looked at Xiao Chen and said lightly: "No matter what kind of force you are, you must pay the price for making trouble in the world. ."

"Oh, isn't it just seeing Pan Feng? Why is it so difficult?" Xiao Chen sighed, then looked at the old man and said calmly: "If you don't go to Pan Feng, then I can only beat you down. Go to him."


"Boy, do you really think you have the ability to play wild in the Gang of Four Seas?"

"Why do you say so much, just kill him!"


At this moment, a law protector suddenly stopped the angry crowd and looked at Xiao Chen carefully. Then he stepped forward and asked cautiously, "Dare to ask you, but the Sky Star Sect Master Xiao Chen who has recently risen in the Dark King City?"

"It's this sect." Xiao Chen said lightly.

"It turned out that Sect Master Xiao came here. It really made my gang of the Four Seas flourish. Sect Master Xiao, please wait a moment, I will report to the gang leader immediately!"

The guardian respectfully said, and then turned to several guardians and said, "This is the famous Sect Master Xiao Chen Xiao, a few must not neglect, if you anger Sect Master Xiao, even the helper can't save you."

As the guardian said, he kept winking, and the voice fell, and the man had already shot towards the depths of the manor.

Hearing the very solemn voice of this protector, the other protectors were a little dazed, and then looked at Xiao Chen with some doubts. The young man in front of him who had only the pinnacle of the sage actually made the dignified protector so solemn. Does this young man really have this qualification?

They kept thinking about Xiao Chen and the Sky Star Sect in their minds, but they didn't have any impression, but they were not doing it either, they just looked at Xiao Chen suspiciously.


In the discussion hall of the Four Seas Gang, the leader of the Four Seas Gang, Pan Feng, was having a good time with a few young talents. At this moment, the guardian suddenly broke in and hurriedly said: "Leader, a big man is here to help."

"Asshole, didn't you see that the gang leader is entertaining the distinguished guests? If there is anything, I'll talk about it later, get out!"

Pan Feng shouted coldly.

"Bangmaster, this big man is a bit special, so let's go and see the boss first." The law protector gritted his teeth.

"Huh?" Pan Feng was taken aback. This guardian knew that if it weren't a major event, he would never talk back to him. Could this great man come here, is there really something special?

"You're talking about it, we are very curious about what big person has come." At this moment, one of the young talents said lightly.

Pan Feng glanced at a few young people with unpleasant expressions, their minds were broken, these few were geniuses from the Yuan family, they were arrogant and arrogant. If they weren't any big people, they might find trouble, even Even he is not well.

"In this Kaiyuan City, only Master Yuanzhen and a few are the real big shots. The few masters will wait a moment. I will send someone and come back immediately."

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