Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 2274: Break into the Gang of Four Seas!

Xiao Chen suddenly said, "Take me to the headquarters of the Four Seas Gang."

"Yes!" The few people nodded, and without any hesitation, they led the way. Xiao Chen looked at the back of the few people with thoughtful gazes in his eyes.

On the way, Xiao Chen inquired that the leader of the Dao Si Hai Gang was named Pan Feng, who was said to be a powerful saint.

Under the leadership of a few people, they soon came to a huge manor. When they saw the guard at the door, their eyes were filled with joy. They glanced at Xiao Chen, and then ran directly to the door and shouted: "It's not good. Someone wants to make trouble in the Four Seas Gang!"

"Who dares to make trouble in the Four Seas Gang, and doesn't want to live anymore!"

Upon hearing this, the guard at the gate of the Sihai Gang immediately angered.

"It's him!" Just now, a few people pointed at Xiao Chen immediately, and just as their voice fell, they saw Xiao Chen already appearing in front of them. They were scared to retreat immediately, and then they thought that this was behind the Si Hai Gang headquarters. , A look of humiliation appeared on his face.

"Dark King City Sky Star Sect Sect Master Xiao Chen begged to see Pan Feng's gang leader, so please tell a few people.

Xiao Chen didn't trouble them, but said lightly to the guards at the door.

"Dark King City!" The guards were taken aback. They were naturally aware of the Dark King City. After taking a look at Xiao Chen's cultivation base, they frowned slightly. The young man in front of him was only the peak of the sub-sage. Obviously, the Sky Star Sect was not a powerful force.

"What are you, you are qualified to see our helper?" a guard said with disdain.

"You can just report it. It's up to your helper to see or not. Can you replace your helper?" Xiao Chen said lightly, and was not angry. This kind of dog sees a lot of low-profile guys, and there is nothing to do. Angry.

"Asshole, you are a sub-sage pinnacle, you are not qualified to notify the gang leader, hurry up, otherwise don't blame us for being rude."

Another guard shouted angrily.

"If you let you report it, just report it. If there are so many things, you would have directly entered it if you knew it, so you don't need to waste time here."

Xiao Chen said, and then faintly stretched out his hand, and the collapse was activated instantly. Several guards, including those stall owners, instantly exploded and swallowed them.

However, Xiao Chen controlled his power, but saved their lives.

Xiao Chen strolled into the gate and said at the same time: "Sect Master Xiao Chen of the Sky Star Sect asked to see the leader of Pan Feng, and also asked the leader of Pan Feng to show up."

The loud voice reverberated throughout the manor in an instant, and many experts in the manor were instantly angry when they saw Xiao Chen hit the doorman and shouted again.

"Who dare to be presumptuous at the headquarters of the Four Seas Gang and take him for me!"

When the voice fell, several figures rushed towards Xiao Chen, but Xiao Chen just collapsed and exploded continuously around him. Those figures were blown out before they got close.

Xiao Chen went all the way, and no one could stop the power of the collapse. There was already a man lying behind Xiao Chen. If Xiao Chen hadn't kept his hands, there would be a dead body now.

"It's scary, what exactly is this?"

"He turned out to be only the pinnacle of the Ashen, when did the pinnacle of the Ashen have such powerful means?"

"Hurry up and report to the gang leader and law protector, I'm afraid only they can stop him!"

Many disciples around saw this scene, their eyes were full of horror, but they saw that even if the saint was strong in the late stage, they could not stop a blow.

They surrounded Xiao Chen, but didn't dare to do anything. Xiao Chen looked at them lightly and walked into the manor. Soon, a few powerful auras fell in front of Xiao Chen, and they were all saints who were perfect and powerful.

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