Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 1920: Brontosaurus!

"I also want to know why." Xiao Chen also gasped, but he was much better than Lei Sifang, and strangely enough, he had obviously suffered so many blows, but there was not much injury, and the original strength in his body did not seem to be used. All the same.

"However, the next time is your death date." But now is not the time to investigate these things, Xiao Chen looked at Lei Sifang with murderous intent.

"Hmph, although I don't know how you did it, but you think I can cultivate from the 98th area to the semi-sacred realm, so I don't have my own cards?" Lei Sifang snorted coldly.

"Is there any hole cards? You should take them out." Xiao Chen said, and at the same time he was extremely jealous. Xiao Chen didn't believe that the dignified semi-holy realm powerhouse did not have some hole cards.

"Alright, then I'll show you my hole card!" Lei Sifang coldly snorted. The next moment, a strong pressure suddenly came from him, and then a thunder dragon appeared beside Lei Sifang, steep The big eyes exuded terrifying coercion, mighty domineering, and the moment when the Thunder Dragon appeared, the evil spirits who blocked the ghost array felt a pressure from the soul.

The next moment, they all returned to the eighteenth layer of hell, and the barrier to the ghost array was instantly broken.

"Lei Sifang, you asked the deity to come out, what's the matter?" Leilong looked at Lei Sifang, sounding like a bell.

Xiao Chen looked at Thunder Dragon with shocked eyes. The Thunder Dragon in front of him was a real dragon, not a dragon shadow transformed by power.

"Ding! Found Thunder Dragon, the realm Yasheng Bazhong!"

"The sub-sage realm is a hundred times stronger than Lei Sifang." Xiao Chen suddenly widened his eyes when he heard the system prompt.

"Master Thunder Dragon, I want to ask you to take action and kill that kid." Lei Sifang pointed to Xiao Chen and said respectfully.

"Are you sure?" Leilong asked: "You saved me back then. In order to repay you, I promised to help you three times. Are you sure you want to use my last chance to kill an ant?"

"Yes!" Lei Sifang nodded solemnly. In fact, he was unwilling to do so in his heart, and he didn't want to waste an opportunity for a sub-sage strong to take a shot, but there was no way, that kid was too weird.

"Okay, after this shot, there is no relationship between you and me." Lei Long said, then Qianzhang's body suddenly turned into a sturdy man, glanced at Xiao Chen, the next moment, he appeared in front of Xiao Chen. He patted Xiao Chen's head.

Xiao Chen felt that a terrifying crisis was coming, and he even found that he could not move at all. He could only watch Thunder Dragon's palm photographed, and there was no place to fight back.

Just when Xiao Chen thought that he was going to die, Thunder Dragon's palm suddenly stopped in front of Xiao Chen's forehead, looking at Xiao Chen's face, doubts flashed in his eyes, and after a while, he suddenly knelt on Xiao Chen. In front of him, holding Xiao Chen's thigh, he shouted: "Ah, my lord, I was wrong. I don't know Taishan. I don't know it is you. Don't blame me!"

Looking at Thunder Dragon, who was kneeling and begging for mercy, Xiao Chen was covered with cold sweat on his forehead, his face was covered with circles, and Lei Sifang was also covered with circles.

"My lord, I really don't know it's you, just bypass me! I'm really wrong." Leilong begged for mercy with a snot and tears, and even kept pulling Xiao Chen's trouser legs.

Lei Sifang looked at the Thunder Dragon at this time, the boss with wide-eyed eyes, Thunder Dragon was a sub-sage strong, very arrogant, how could he kneel in front of a kid, crying like a kid.

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