Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 1919: Sorrowful Lei Quartet!

"Ding! Target person, now Quasi-Sage One is rehabilitated!"

"Quasi Sage Yizhong?" Xiao Chen was taken aback, and at this moment, closed moon's voice also rang.

"Master, the opponent is too strong. Although the power of the thief is strong, it can only steal a little of the opponent's cultivation base. Next, you still have to rely on the master."

"By the way, Master, this is the remaining power stolen by my sister, now I will give it to you." Xiuhua's voice also rang, and then holding Xiao Chen's hand, Xiao Chen suddenly felt a thunderous force spreading into him. In the body.

"Master, take care!" The two said at the same time. The next moment, they have returned to the Heavenly Star Immortal Territory.

Until the two little girls disappeared, Xiao Chen didn't react. The quasi-sage's mid-stage cultivation base was stolen several times and dropped directly to the quasi-sage's first layer. At this time, no matter Xiao Chen or Lei Sifang, there was some reaction.

"This can also work?" Xiao Chen's face was full of shock.

"The power of the thief and the power of the illusion are the sacred power. It is natural to have this power." The system's voice rang.

Hearing the sound of the system, Xiao Chen suddenly woke up, and then he looked at Lei Sifang, Quasi-Sage Yizhong, now he will not be killed, but when will he be!

Xiao Chen suddenly launched Seven Star Wings towards Lei Sifang, feeling Xiao Chen's breath, and Lei Sifang also reacted. Although he didn't know what was going on, he knew that this matter must have nothing to do with Xiao Chen.

Lei Sifang's face is very gloomy. Since his debut, he has gone through battles of all sizes and all kinds of life and death. He has never experienced any hardships, but he has never encountered something as weird as today.

His own semi-sage cultivation base was suppressed to the quasi-sage first level, and the other party was actually promoted from the **** of good fortune to the reborn state.

All these made him feel extremely weird. He felt that facing Xiao Chen was more difficult than facing enemies of the same rank. At the same time, he regretted his previous arrogance even more. Killing Xiao Chen, there won't be so many things.

He wasn't talking nonsense either, but his whole body was full of violent thunder power. Looking at Xiao Chen who was rushing over, he also rushed over and fought together instantly.

Bang bang bang.

In the dark scene, Lei Heng and others were already huddled on the side. At this moment, they could only hear the sound of collision, and could only see the emanating thunder power.

"He can actually keep up with my speed. Damn it." Lei Sifang and Xiao Chen kept colliding, and the two were hurting each other. At this time, Lei Sifang was a little crazy.

Before, even if the cultivation base was suppressed, he still had the chance to win, but now he felt that he and Xiao Chen were already in the same position, and the victory was five or five points.

"No, I must kill him!" Lei Sifang's heart was full of hideousness. Suddenly, his eyes suddenly turned golden. The purple thunder was mixed with golden light, and Lei Sifang's speed and strength increased again. .

Xiao Chen was pressed and beaten by Lei Sifang again, and powers fell on him, venting Lei Sifang's anger.

One minute, two minutes, and twenty minutes later, Lei Sifang and Xiao Chen have been banging for twenty minutes. Lei Sifang's golden eyes have receded, and the thunder power on his body has also returned to purple.

Lei Quartet panting like a cow, looking at Xiao Chen, his eyes are full of incredible color: "How is it possible that you have suffered so many blows from me, why are you not injured? Why are you still having so much original strength in your body? why?"

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