Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 1911: Great gift!

"It seems that we are caught in a certain formation, but the foster father can rest assured. There are some evil spirits in a small area, and it is easy to get rid of them." Xiao Chen said calmly, just about to transform into the power of the netherworld and get rid of these evil spirits. , Suddenly the voice of the system came into my mind.

"Ding! The system scans the array to block the ghost array. Does it cost the pit margin value for analysis?"

"Huh? Can you still analyze the formation?" Xiao Chen was startled. Although he didn't understand the formation, he could also see that he was trapped in a certain formation. What he didn't expect was that the system would actually Take the initiative to help him analyze the formation.

The system did not reply, but asked again.

"Yes!" Xiao Chen thought.

"Ding! Start analyzing the banning of the ghost formation, for one minute!"

Xiao Chen's eyes moved, watching the evil spirits rushing around, the power of thunder raged out, the evil spirits around were surrounded by the thunder, and the ghosts continued to whistle, but the power of thunder was a natural enemy to them, and they did not dare near.

The owner and Lei Heng were not surprised, they just looked at Xiao Chen with a sneer. In their opinion, when Xiao Chen's original power was exhausted, it was the time of his death.

One minute later.

"Ding! Congratulations to player Xiao Chen for getting the banned ghost formation!"

At the same time, all the information about blocking the ghost array came into Xiao Chen's mind. After a while, Xiao Chen's laughter came from inside the blocked ghost array.

Hearing Xiao Chen's laughter, everyone was shocked.

"What is he laughing at?" Lei Heng frowned.

"Could it be that he gave up on himself?" A maid couldn't help asking.

"Impossible, with such a talent, such a strong combat power, his xinxing must not be simple, how can he give up on himself." Lei Heng said.

"Could it be that he found a way to break the formation." Another maid said.

"It is absolutely impossible to block the ghost formation and block the power in the body. When the formation is activated, the power in his body is already suppressed. Although the thunder power has a suppressive effect on ghosts, it is necessary to break the formation. It's absolutely impossible." The owner immediately denied.

Most of the ghosts in the formation are enemies of Tiandao Villa. After being suppressed, they become members of the ghosts. Among them, there are some extraordinary gods of creation, but after they enter the formation, the power of the creation gods cannot be exerted. Although Xiao Chen's combat power was against the sky, he was only a **** of good fortune after all, and the owner did not believe that he could break through the formation.

"Chen'er, are you okay?" Xiao Zhantian couldn't help asking.

"I'm okay." Xiao Chen shook his head, and then laughed: "Thank you, the owner of Tiandao Mountain Villa, I didn't think that when I came, you would give me such a great gift. I feel ashamed."

"What do you mean?" Upon hearing this, the owner frowned and asked.

"Hey!" Xiao Chen smiled mysteriously, and then his mind contacted Qinglin and opened the eighteenth hell. Then a huge black palm print was laid down, and the evil ghosts under the palm print all entered the eighteenth hell, reincarnation.

After a few palms, there was no ghost in the entire formation. Without the support of the ghost, the entire shielded ghost formation was instantly shattered, and all the manors fell.

Lei Heng, the owner and the others were dumbfounded. They hadn't figured out what was going on. All the evil spirits had disappeared, and the blocking ghost array had been broken.

The owner had a feeling of being slapped in the face. He clearly said that the formation was absolutely impossible to break, but as soon as the voice fell, the formation was already broken.

"How could this happen, what did you do? How could you break the ban on the ghost formation so easily?" The owner yelled with a dazed expression.

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