Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 1910: Block the ghost array!

At Tiandao Villa, Lei Heng looked at Xiao Chen gloomily.

"Untouchable, you are too rampant, do you really think I can't help you?"

Xiao Chen didn't speak, but smiled and hooked his fingers, a very provocative action that made Lei Heng and others extremely angry.

"Young Master, it's better to hand him over to me to solve it." At this moment, the owner of Tiandao Villa walked out.

"You?" Lei Heng was startled, he couldn't be killed even in the reborn state, what can a strong **** of good fortune do.

Seeing Lei Heng's suspicious expression, the owner smiled and continued: "If I can't do anything else in other places, but here is Tiandao Mountain Villa, Tiandao Mountain Villa has been entrenched for many years, and no one can go wild here."

Lei Heng glanced at the owner in surprise, and saw that Xiao Chen was so tough and could speak such confident words. He wanted to see what kind of trump cards Tiandao Villa still had.

"Okay, then he will leave it to you to solve it." Lei Heng nodded, unwilling to take the risk on his own.

Then the owner walked out with a solemn expression: "Xiao Zhantian, you and I have some friendship, Xiao Chen is brought by you again, if you can let him surrender to Young Master Lei Heng, today I can spare him his life. , Otherwise don’t blame me for being merciless."

"Master, we came to Tiandao Mountain Villa this time to invite Tiandao Mountain Villa to join the Sky Star Sect. If the owner can join the Sky Star Sect, maybe we can spare your life." Xiao Zhantian came to Xiao Chen, faintly Dao, although he didn't know what the owner wanted to do, he knew that it was absolutely impossible for Xiao Chen to submit to the opponent.

"Hmph, Ming is stubborn, so don't blame me for being impolite." The owner's expression suddenly became cold, and then he kept waving his hands, and the surrounding manor began to continuously rotate, a strange force suddenly surrounded the two of Xiao Chen, one A shady scene surrounded the two of Xiao Chen, and at the same time, there was a sudden cry of ghosts and wolves under these manors, and then huge ghosts emerged.

"This is to block the ghost formation?"

Lei Heng's gaze condensed, and he turned to look at the owner, "You are so courageous that you have set up an exclusion ghost formation in Tiandao Villa!"

The owner said with a solemn expression: "The Young Master is the Young Master, and he has a wide range of knowledge. At the beginning, by chance, I obtained the method of blocking the arrangement of the ghost formation, but this formation has advantages and disadvantages, and the Young Master should be clear."

"I know it naturally." Lei Heng nodded, and banning the ghost formation is an unnatural formation.

The ghost formation was sealed, and the souls of dead enemies were suppressed by special methods, so that they would not be able to reincarnate. However, in order to suppress the souls, a lot of strength was needed. No wonder Lei Heng felt that the original aura in other places besides the main manor was very weak. I am afraid they are all used to suppress these ghosts.

However, once the blocking ghost formation is formed, the power is also very huge. The people in the formation, the cultivation base and the power of the origin will be suppressed, but the ghosts cannot be easily destroyed. There is only one way in the end, that is Be consumed by ghosts alive and become a member of the ghost army.

"There is the power of the Nether in the shady scene, and those who turned out to be evil spirits?" Xiao Chen in the formation also fixed his eyes. He did not expect that he could still feel the power of the Nether in the Heavenly Dao Villa. Evil spirits.

But these evil spirits are incomparable with the evil spirits of the eighteenth hell.

"Chen'er, the strength in my body has been suppressed." Xiao Zhantian said solemnly.

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