Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 1888: Duanmu Qinghan vs. Xiao Ling!

"Huh, the mere saints also want me to surrender, because they are not qualified yet." Duanmu Qinghan said indifferently, the bliss bow in his hand was shaken, and the golden light beamed everywhere.

"It seems that there is nothing to say. I have long heard that the fighting madness is amazing. Today we have to learn and teach." The old man walked out, and then no less than ten powerful creation gods walked out at the same time, just staring at Duanmu. Qinghan.

"Boss, what should I do?" asked a strong man behind Duanmu Qinghan.

"Retreat, I will solve it alone!" Duan Muqing said, and then stepped out, appearing above the many powerful creators.

"Golden Light and Yaokong!" Duanmu Qinghan shot an arrow at high altitude. The next moment, a round of light like a scorching sun appeared, followed by a series of golden arrows, like ten thousand arrows, densely facing the surroundings. fall.

"No, these arrows possess the terrifying power of the golden evil spirit, hurry up and defend!" Seeing this scene, all the strong faces changed drastically, and they instantly took out their strongest defense.

The golden arrows were as beautiful as a meteor shower. Shi Gandang and others stood under Duanmu Qinghan, looking at the arrows around them, with shock in their eyes.

A dense cluster of arrows covered all the powerful people around, and soon, many powerful people below the divine might died under the arrows.

Round after round of arrows fell, several rounds of arrows fell, and the strong around him suffered heavy casualties. Even the strong creation gods suffered a lot of injuries.

"It deserves to be a fighting madman. Facing a dozen powerful creation gods of the same level, we were all injured by just one move." After the arrow passed, the powerful creation gods were a little jealous. Looking at Xiao Chen.

"Interesting, beautiful and powerful, this woman, I want it!" At this moment, a faint voice rang, and then the group fell down.

The leader was a young man, followed by the powerful creators of God, there were dozens of them.

"See the Holy Lord!" After seeing the youth, the wounded creators all saluted respectfully.

The young man nodded, then looked at Duanmu Qinghan, and said lightly: "This holy lord is the holy lord of the holy religion, and is also the contemporary family of the God of War family, the strong God of Good Fortune, Xiao Ling!"

"You have good talents and good looks. You are qualified to be my woman."

Xiao Ling looked at Duanmu Qinghan faintly, and said in a high voice.

Duanmu Qinghan looked at Xiao Ling with no change on his face, just gently pulled the bow and shot an arrow, and a golden light shot towards Xiao Ling at a very fast speed.

Xiao Ling smiled faintly, and smashed the golden arrow to pieces with an original force.

"The **** of creation and the **** of creation are not at the same level. You have no chance of winning against me. For beautiful women, I will not pity and cherish jade. If you are uninterested, I will let you understand what the real **** is. Xiao Ling said lightly, a look of hatred flashed in his eyes.

Duanmu Qinghan didn't speak, but pulled the bow again, and an arrow full of golden evil breath slowly formed.

"The beautiful women who go against me deserve to die, so are you, and so is Chu Yunmeng!" Xiao Ling stared at Duanmu Qinghan coldly, a vicious color flashing in his eyes.

"Xiao Ling, who did you just say you deserve to die?" At this moment, an extremely indifferent voice suddenly sounded, and then a figure in a purple robe appeared out of thin air, and there was a chill from his body, and a pair of eyes full of murderous intent stared at him. Xiaoling.

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