Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 1887: Fight the crazy demon!

But I didn't expect that not long after it came out of the encirclement, it was surrounded by more forces.

"You dare to do something with us, don't you be afraid of the fighting madness?" Shi Gan said in a deep voice, looking at the strong men around him, his eyes to the extreme.

Although he broke through the divine majesty realm, the surrounding divine majesty realm powerhouses are innumerable, and there are even the creation **** powerhouses. He only hopes to scare them with the reputation of fighting crazy demons, otherwise they will undoubtedly die today.

"Fighting madness?" Some strong sneered: "Hahaha, Shi Gandang, you are stupid. Behind the sacred religions are three holy places. The three holy places have strong gods of good fortune, and even more powerful gods of creation. Not in the minority, how can they be afraid of a fighting madman in just a few!"

"This is a sea of ​​chaotic stars, not the three holy places. Even if the three holy places are strong, they can't interfere with things here." Shi Gan said in a deep voice.

"Shi Gandang, the purpose of Shengjiao is to integrate all the forces in the entire God Realm, with a chaotic sea of ​​stars and a fighting madman, how can it stop Shengjiao's pace."

"Shi Gang, you don't want to talk nonsense with you, do you surrender or not?"

"If you dare not surrender, today is the day when your Ling Tianzong will perish!"

One after another strong men spoke, the voice full of threats.

"I Ling Tianzong swear to die!" Shi Gan said solemnly, his voice full of determination!

"Then kill!" Everyone's complexion instantly turned cold, and the powerful people all around started to take action. At this moment, a few golden lights suddenly appeared in the starry sky, shot into the crowd, and instantly caused a strong explosion, rushing to the front. Some strong people were affected by the explosion and died directly.

"This is a golden arrow, a fighting madman!" Those strong men who were affected but did not die were suddenly startled.

At this moment, the seven figures slowly fell. The head was a goddess wearing golden armor and holding a golden longbow. The majestic, glamorous and indifferent goddess was the fighting demon, Duanmu Qinghan. !

"Ling Tianzong is covered by my fighting madness. Have you ever asked my opinion on them?" Duanmu Qinghan indifferently scanned the surroundings.

"Fighting crazy demon, this is the meaning of the holy religion, do you want to go against the will of the holy religion?" A strong creation **** came out and said in a deep voice.

"I don't care what holy religion, you just tell me whether to leave now or die here!" Duanmu Qinghan said indifferently.

"Fighting mad demon, you too don't put us in your eyes!" A few powerful creation gods walked out of the crowd, all of them were hidden in the chaotic sea of ​​stars and did not care about world affairs.

This time Shengjiao not only intends to conquer Luan Xinghai, but also forgives their crimes. The three holy sites are not hunting them down.

The only condition is that they join the sacred religion and help the sacred religion to conquer the sea of ​​chaos.

"A group of old guys who have already stepped into the coffin, would choose to join a sacred religion. To be a dog of the sacred religion, have you forgotten the miserable appearance you were hunted down?"

Duanmu Qinghan sneered.

"Fighting mad demon, Luan Xinghai is a prison waiting to die for us. Only when we get out of Luan Xinghai, we can regain freedom. Only the holy religion can lead us to higher strength."

A twilight old man came out.

"Fighting mad demon, if I were you, I would definitely choose to surrender to the holy religion. The holy religion was established by the three holy races and the three evil evildoers. It is impossible for you to stop the holy religion."

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