Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 1840: The collision of light and darkness!

"Hahaha, in these eighteen layers of hell, the king is the sky, and you are just crawlers. No matter how you climb, you can't climb out of the palm of the king." King Yama laughed, his voice full of contempt, looking King Yama, who was laughing, all Gui Xiu couldn't help but knelt on the ground, and their resistance was completely broken.

Rain King, the eyes of Ban Kill are also full of despair.

"Hehehe, you are the **** here? Don't put gold on your face. You just have a stronger strength and master some power that others don't know. You think you are invincible. It really makes people laugh. "

At this moment, Xiao Chen's disdainful voice rang, and the Essence Pearl of Light was unblocked. Xiao Chen felt an indescribable force flooding his body. All fatigue and powerlessness, even the Essence Power Has been restored.

Looking at the holy light flooding Xiao Chen's body, all Gui Xiu seemed to see a glimmer of hope in the darkness, and a glimmer of light appeared in the eyes of the Yu King.

King Yama looked at Xiao Chen, his expression of laughter suddenly became full of surprise, "This power in you?"

"Do you feel it?" Xiao Chen grinned.

"Hahaha, it's getting more and more interesting. It seems that this king can have fun this time." King Yama laughed loudly, his voice fell, and King Yama suddenly disappeared, turning into a black light and appeared in front of Xiao Chen.

"Huh? I can actually see the trail of Yama King?" Xiao Chen watched a black light hit, and subconsciously dodged. Then he found that he turned into a white light, and his speed was not weaker than Yama King.

"The Essence Orb of Light is the gentlest of all the Essence Orbs, so it can be obtained by Bai Caiyi. This time the seal is unlocked and it is also in a semi-awakened state. Unlike before, this time it is actively helping the host. It’s not the host forcibly controlling it."

The indifferent voice of the system sounded in Xiao Chen's mind. Xiao Chen's eyes lit up. No wonder he felt comfortable all over, as if he were the Origin Orb. In this case, he could not lose to the Dark Origin Orb.

Boom boom boom!

Xiao Chen didn't dodge, but directly confronted King Yama. Rain King and the others could only see a white light and a black light, they could only hear the sound of collision, they couldn't catch Yama King and Xiao Chen at all.

After the two collided again, they separated suddenly.

"Great Dark Heaven Palm!" King Yama shouted loudly, and then patted it with a palm that swept across the sky, and the entire evil ghost space became pitch black, and he couldn't see his fingers.

Xiao Chen suddenly subconsciously slapped a palm, and then a sacred palm print was formed out of thin air, and instantly greeted him. The two palm prints of light and darkness met in mid-air, and then began to swallow each other's strength.

"Is this the power of the Origin Orb of Light?" Xiao Chen slapped this palm subconsciously, and depending on the situation, the two palm prints can be said to be equal!

King Yama's eyes narrowed slightly, and then he slapped another palm. The two dark palms were directly superimposed on each other, as if the entire sky was pressed down.

However, when King Yama moved, Xiao Chen also moved, also slapped.

"Can King Yama be able to use the power of the Dark Origin Orb indefinitely?" Xiao Chen frowned slightly. If that was the case, then the situation would be bad, because he could only use it for half an hour.

"He can indeed use the power of the Dark Origin Orb infinitely." Suddenly at this moment, a voice suddenly sounded in Xiao Chen's mind.

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