Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 1839: The Origin Orb of Darkness!

King Yama once again appeared in front of Xiao Chen safe and sound, and his hairstyle was not messed up. With so many powerful attacks, he did not hurt King Yama. How could this be possible?

Not only Xiao Chen couldn't believe it, but the Rain King, Ban Slay and others were also unbelievable. Is Yama King really hard to shake?

The ghost cultivators outside of the evil ghost space, seeing this scene, even more firmly believed that the Yama is the heaven of hell, the master of hell, and invincible.

"Are you so capable? It's too weak. If that's the case, this king will be very disappointed." King Yama looked at Xiao Chen with disdain, and his eyes were full of mockery.

"Oh, it's actually too easy to kill you. This king will let you see what the real despair is." King Yama said lightly, snapped a finger in his hand, and said in a low voice: "Darkness imprisoned!"

As King Yama's voice fell, with the exception of Xiao Chen, the bodies of the other strong men fell to the ground uncontrollably in an instant, and at this time, they could no longer feel the power of the ghost.

Not only the Rain King and the others, but all the ghost repairs in the evil ghost space collapsed on the ground, looking at King Yama with horror.

"The power of the Nether in the body is imprisoned, how can this be possible?" The faces of King Yu and Xiao Chen were full of disbelief. The Nether water in their bodies had clearly been eliminated, so how could King Yama control them.

"Do you really think that the king controls you through the water of the Nether?" King Yama sneered, and the laughter was full of sarcasm.

Upon hearing this, Xiao Chen's expression stagnated. The reason why Xiao Chen firmly believed that King Yama controlled ghost cultivation was Netherworld Water, which was detected by the system. Thinking of this, Xiao Chen hurriedly asked in his heart: "What's the matter?"

"It's a big deal." Some indifferent voices rang from the system.

"What's the matter?" Xiao Chen asked hurriedly.

"Because the host body did not come to **** together, most of the system's functions were unavailable, resulting in detection errors. Through the method of Yama just now, the system detected that the real method of Yama to control ghost repair is the power of darkness."

"The power of darkness, what is that?" Xiao Chen asked.

"The power exuded by the Dark Origin Orb, and the Dark Origin Orb is in a semi-awakened state, its power is a hundred times stronger than the previous host's power when the original Orb was released."

"What are you talking about? You said that the Dark Origin Orb is on King Yama, and he can still use the power of the Origin Orb?" Xiao Chen was shocked. He couldn't be familiar with the power of the Original Orb. The Yama King was already strong. With the power of the Origin Pearl, how can this be beaten?

"Only the Essence Orb can be dealt with by the Essence Orb. The system can unlock most of the seals of the Essence Orbs of Light on the host. However, after the seal is released this time, the host must find all the remaining Essence Orbs within three months, otherwise the consequences will be disastrous!" Although his voice was cold, Xiao Chen could feel the seriousness of the matter.

"I understand, unlock the seal, King Yama must be killed!" Xiao Chen's face sank, and he said solemnly.

King Yama must die, otherwise they will all be accountable here, and if King Yama is not defeated, the Dark Origin Orb cannot be obtained, and Ke'er cannot be rescued. Then all his contributions to **** will be wasted.

Therefore, he has only one choice, to unlock the seal of the Origin Orb of Light and kill the Yama King!

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