Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 1824: Push **** horizontally!

"It's true that there are more strong people than before, but what life do ordinary ghosts have lived through, and even normal reincarnations can't do it. Such a hell, even if it becomes stronger, is not enough to be proud of." Ban Slaughter said.

"This world is originally the weak eating the strong, and it is only natural for the weak to serve the strong." The scissor prisoner said.

"Why are you talking about so much? We are here to attack the Scissor Hell, not to teach the truth." Xiao Chen stepped forward and stepped into the Scissor Hell, looking at the evil spirits holding the scissors, and said coldly.

"Prison Scissors, surrender to me, live, or die!"

"You are the newcomer of the Evil Ghost Legion. You are arrogant. Do you really think you will be the opponent of Lord Yama?" The scissor prisoner looked at Xiao Chen and said coldly, his eyes full of disdain.

"You talk too much nonsense."

Xiao Chen said coldly, and at the same time, he had already arrived in front of the scissor **** ghost repair army, and he shouted in a deep voice: "The power of evil spirits, stack!"

boom! The nether power on Xiao Chen burst out, and the entire Scissor Hell felt a very powerful pressure. The Scissor Hell looked at the strong nether power on Xiao Chen, and his face was shocked.

Obviously, the guy in front of him is only an impermanence-level aura, how can he have such a strong nether power?

"Forbidden Law: Thousands of Miles Frozen!"

As an indifferent voice fell, the entire Scissor Hell army was instantly frozen in black ice. Even the Scissor Hell Lord could not avoid it. At this time, his eyes were full of consternation.


In an instant, all the evil spirits, including the Prison Scissors, turned into icicles and disappeared between the heavens and the earth, leaving no one behind!

"Ding! Congratulations to the player Xiao Chen for beheading the Scissors Prison Master and gaining 10 million Nether Value and 100 million Origin Value!"

"Congratulations to player Xiao Chen for gaining the power of evil spirits!"

"Congratulations to player Xiao Chen for getting the forbidden thing cut!"

"Ding! Scan forbidden objects to cut the sky, congratulations to player Xiao Chen for obtaining the forbidden method: Cut the sky and Jedi!"

"Are you going to cut it?" Xiao Chen showed a huge black scissors in his hand. "The materials for recasting Ling Tian are not enough, so I'll use you to charge it up first."

"The power in his body seems to have become stronger again, what's going on?" Murong Yu looked at Xiao Chen's back, a look of surprise flashed in his eyes.

"My king is mighty, and with his own power, he has captured the Hell of Scissors!" Ban Slaughter exclaimed, the master of Hell of Scissors is dead, and the Hell of Scissors is no longer a fear.

"The master is invincible!"

Xiao Chen glanced at the explosion, and then said: "Go on, the next level, the iron tree hell!"

"My king, the third level of hell, the lord of the iron tree **** is my friend, he is our ally." Forbidden to kill.

"Then go to the fourth floor!" Xiao Chen said, and then led a group of ghost repairers to the third floor.

Sure enough, as the ban said, the prisoners of the third layer surrendered directly with a large number of elites, and then the large forces continued to attack the fourth layer.

In Yan Luo City’s City Lord’s Mansion, there is a portrait in front of King Yama, which is exactly the scene of the sixth copper pillar hell. I saw Xiao Chen manipulating a huge black scissors to cut the copper pillar **** lord’s very hard body Two paragraphs.

"It seems that the eighteen layers of **** can't stop you anymore. If that's the case, let's make things more interesting." King Yama smiled, then pointed at the screen, and a black light shot into the screen.

On the sixth floor of the copper pillar hell, Xiao Chen used the forbidden method to cut the sky and the Jedi, cutting the prisoner into two sections.

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