Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 1823: Scissors hell!

"You know?" Murong Yu glanced at Xiao Chen in surprise.

"I naturally know, I don't know what Murong Xue of the Murong family has to do with you?" Xiao Chen asked.

"Murongxue?" Hearing this, Murongyu's face flashed a complex color, and after a while: "She is the sister of my compatriot."

"Sure enough, it's no wonder that you look exactly the same." Xiao Chen said, Murong Yu in front of him is exactly the same as Murong Xue, if it weren't for him to be thrown into **** by Murong Xue, he even thought the person in front of him was Murong Xue.

"Do you know my sister?" Murong Yu asked.

"I know, after all, I was beaten to **** by her and Xiao Zhantian." Xiao Chen smiled bitterly.

"Xiao Zhantian!" Murong Yu's voice sank, and a complex color appeared on his face again.

"Master Yu, can I ask you something about your sister Murongxue?" Xiao Chen said.

Hearing this, Murong Yu came back to his senses and said, "What do you want to ask?"

"Do Murong Xue and Xiao Zhantian have only one child?" Xiao Chen asked.

"Before I left, they really only had one son, Xiao Ling. As for after I left, I don't know." Murong Yu said.

"Is there only one son?" Xiao Chen muttered. He can be sure that Xiao Ling's age is definitely younger than him. Then what happened to him and what was that portrait?

"Why are you asking this?" Murong Yu asked with some confusion.

"Nothing." Xiao Chen said: "Let's go to the eighteenth hell."

When the voice fell, Xiao Chen stopped talking, and walked forward.

Shangguanying looked at Xiao Chen who was in a bad mood, and hurriedly shook his hand. Xiao Chen glanced at Shangguanying, nodded and said: "I will find a chance to explain some things to you."

Shangguanying nodded, and then the three Xiao Chen and Bai Caiyi headed towards the tongue-out hell, and none of the ghosts around dared to stop them.

Murong Yu glanced at Xiao Chen with some suspicion, but didn't care, and then took the evil tenth class ghost repairing to the hell.


"See my king!"

Tongue Hell City Lord's Mansion, Ban Slaughter, with a group of impermanence, looked at Xiao Chen respectfully.

"Forbidden killing, how are things prepared?"

"Tell my king, the elites of the tongue **** are ready to go, ready to attack the **** of scissors." Ban killing said.

"Go to the **** of scissors!"

Xiao Chen said solemnly.

"It's my king!"

At the entrance of the second floor of hell, the Evil Eleven Fist broke the seal that went to the second floor, and then a loud cry of ghost crying and wolf howling came from the entrance.

"Lord Yu, it seems that the elites of Scissor Hell have also assembled. Judging from their posture, they should be ready to attack Bei Yin Mountain."

Evil Ten said indifferently, at this time in Scissor Hell, a large number of ghost repairs have been assembled, and at a glance, no less than hundreds of thousands of evil ghosts.

Standing at the forefront of this group of ghost repairs was a tall ghost repairer. At this moment, he saw that the second seal was forced, and he was slightly taken aback. Then he saw the forefront of the rain king, Xiao Chen, and when the killing was forbidden. , His face changed.

"Rain King, evil fifteen and eight, and banned killings." The scissor prisoner said coldly: "Forbidden killings, you are with these two traitors, do you want to betray Lord Yama?"

"Prison Scissors, under the rule of Yama King, **** will never live a life. In order to restore the peace of **** in the past, King Yama must die!" Ban Sha said calmly.

"Forbidden to kill, there are many **** powerhouses now, and the overall strength is much stronger than before. What's wrong?" The Scissors Prisoner said angrily.

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