Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 1818: King Yama clone!

"Lord Yu, you want to rebel against Lord Yama, why is this?" Eshi couldn't help asking.

"Let's talk about it." Eiyi suddenly came out and said: "Because Lord Yu and I were in a state of serious injury. We were dragged into **** by Yama King alive and transformed into evil spirits by him, so Between us and King Yama, there is an unshakable feud."

Hearing that, all evil spirits were shocked, even Xiao Chen was full of shock. Eiyi and Yuwang were dragged to **** when they were not dead. This is a deprivation of other people’s lives without any scruples. Is lawlessness to this level?

Xiao Chen looked at Evil One and said, "So, you were killed by Yama King, right?"

"Yes!" Evil.

"It seems that King Yama has added another sin. If you don't kill him, it will be difficult for God to tolerate it!" Xiao Chen said solemnly, his eyes flashing with killing intent.

"Kill me? It's up to you?" Suddenly a flat voice rang in the hall, and a demon came out, giving a playful look at King Yu, Evil One, and Xiao Chen.

"Evil Seven?" The other evil spirits all looked at the talking evil spirit in amazement.

"He is not evil seven, he is the clone of King Yama." King Yu said lightly.

"What? King Yama's clone!" The ghosts present were all startled, even Xiao Chen looked at the evil seven in surprise.

"Hahaha, you deserve to be the strongest evil spirit this king has cultivated. You knew the identity of this king a long time ago. Then you deliberately said to kill this king in front of this king. It seems that you have found a way to escape from this king. Means of control."

The evil seven laughed.

"Your method of controlling us should be Netherworld Water?" The Rain King walked down and said lightly.

"Well said!"

"It just so happens that I am also very good at water, I just use my water to get rid of your nether water from the body." Yu Wang said lightly.

"So, you are really smart, but the nether water in your body is resolved, and the other ghost cultivators are still under my control. Do you think they dare to betray me?" Eqi smiled.

"So I plan to kill them all and cut off your minions!" The Rain King said lightly, his words full of solemnity.

"You are really cruel, they are all cultivated by you." The evil Qi smiled, but there was no surprise.

"So what, if it weren't for you, maybe I would have the opportunity to see him, but it was because of you that separated me from him. I will repay this hatred. No matter what the price is paid, I will not hesitate."

King Yu's voice was cold, full of resentment and anger, and at the same time full of determination at all costs, even Xiao Chen couldn't help but look at her more.

"It is good to have this determination, but it is a pity that you are not strong enough." E Qi shook his head.

"I know your strength is very strong, but if you add him." Yu Wang pointed to Xiao Chen.

"With Nether Fire, is it suspected of the reincarnation of the Ksitigarbha?" E Qi looked at Xiao Chen.

"You are King Yama, then I ask you, some time ago, a soul of the body of the Holy Spirit entered hell, but it is in your hands?" Xiao Chen looked at the evil seven and asked.

"There is indeed one soul of the body of the Holy Spirit. It is the purest soul I have ever seen. At this time, the soul is purifying the pond. It won't be long before you think that an evil spirit stronger than the Rain King will be born.

Evil Seven thought for a while and said with a smile.

Hearing this, Xiao Chen's face instantly became gloomy, his eyes full of killing intent.

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