Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 1817: Rain King!

"Master Yu, Evil One Fifty Eight has been brought." Evil Ten said respectfully to the people in the hall.

"Is he the Rain King?" Xiao Chen looked at the people above the high hall. He could not see through the rain and mist, nor could he feel the breath on him.

"My subordinates are evil, I have seen Lord Yu Wang!" Xiao Chen saluted.

Rain King did not speak, but just waved his hand, and a curtain of water appeared outside the compound, hiding the entire compound.

"Are you evil?" A clear female voice came from the Yu King, which made Xiao Chen startled.

"The subordinates are exactly evil." Xiao Chen said hurriedly.

"Should I call you evil, or should I call you Ksitigarbha?" King Yu suddenly smiled lightly.

Hearing this, Xiao Chen was shocked and exposed? But he didn't use Netherfire at all in the evil ghost space, how did he expose it?

"The nether fire is coming out, and the king of Ksitigarbha appears. King Yama is thinking that it is impossible to hold the **** alone. Then there will be a battle between the king of Ksitigarb and Yama, and no one on the eighteenth floor of **** wants to be alone." King Yu said again. But her voice fell, and all the evil spirits stood up, staring at Xiao Chen.

Xiao Chen slowly raised his head and said calmly: "Master Yu was joking, what Nether Fire, what Jizo King, the subordinate does not know, the subordinate is just an ordinary kid."

"You are very calm, but look at this." Yuwang said lightly, and then a water drop appeared in front of her, and inside the water drop appeared a picture of him beheading the evil seventeen seven.

"It turned out to be like this." Xiao Chen said lightly: "I do have Nether Fire on my body, but the so-called Ksitigarbha King is nonsense."

Although Xiao Chen's face was calm, his heart was extremely heavy. Not only was the Rain King, but the breath of other evil spirits was not weaker than that of the evil ten. Obviously they were at the captain level. If they really fight, his situation will be bad .

"Regardless of whether you are Ksitigarbha, King Yama is not allowed to threaten his status, so he will definitely get rid of you." King Yu said lightly.

"So you want to take me?" Xiao Chen looked at King Yu, took a deep breath, and asked calmly.

"What if I want to take you?"

"Then I have to fight to the death!" Xiao Chen said.

"Hahaha, I have the courage, but facing me, facing the ten captain of the evil ghost army, are you qualified to fight to the death?" Rain King laughed.

"Maybe I am not your opponent, but if I want to leave, you can't stop me!"

When the voice fell, Xiao Chen's body ignited a fierce nether fire, staring coldly at King Yu.

"Can't stop it?" Yu Wang smiled faintly, tapped his finger lightly, the water curtain opened, and several figures came out.

Xiao Chen's expression became cold. It was Mu Qingxuan and Bai Caiyi who walked in, and behind them there were several members of the evil spirit army.

"Do you want to use them to threaten me?" Xiao Chen looked at King Yu with a cold expression.

"You are wrong, not threatening you, I am protecting them, because I also want to kill King Yama!" King Yu suddenly said, his voice full of killing intent.

When the words of King Yu fell, Xiao Chen's expression was taken aback, but the faces of the other Guixiu changed drastically, all looking at King Yu in amazement.

"You must also make a choice, whether to kill King Yama with me or die here." King Yu glanced at the other ghosts, and the indifferent voice sounded in the hall, and the hall was instantly filled with the meaning of killing.

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