Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 1802: The big match begins!

Eshi frowned slightly, and then took out a black ball, which floated in front of him, and then another ray of soul appeared in Eshi's hands, the appearance within the soul was exactly the same as E16-6.

The members of the evil spirit legion have a ray of soul left in the evil spirit base. With this spirit, you can know whether the members of the evil spirit legion are alive. The wisp of the evil ten captain's hands has a major role in addition to controlling the members of the evil spirit legion.

After the Evil Ten put the soul of Evil Sixteen Six into the ball, then a scene appeared in the ball, which was exactly the scene where E16 Six was sucked into the Ecstasy Bowl, but they only saw the Ecstasy Bowl but did not. When I arrived at Bai Caiyi, I didn't see the two of Xiao Chen either.

"What is this?" Both Evil Sixteen and Evil Seventeen changed their expressions.

Eshi also frowned slightly, "Could this thing be...?"

Afterwards, Eshi put the souls of Ele Seventeen Nine into it, and the scene that appeared was the scene where the Ecstasy Bowl sucked it into it.

Immediately afterwards, he put the soul of Evil Seventeen Seven into it, and then what appeared was the complete picture of Xiao Chen and Evil Seventeen Fighting.

After seeing Xiao Chen beheading Evil Seventeen Seven, the eyes of E Seventeen and E Sixteen were full of shock, while E Ten’s attention was on the Nether Fire, and a dignified color flashed in his eyes.

"What you saw must not be spread outside, let alone arbitrarily, wait for me to come back from Lord Yu, and talk about it." The voice fell, and Eshi's figure disappeared.

"What did your lord find out that you want to alarm Lord Yu?" Evil Seventeen and Evil Sixteen looked at each other, and there was a hint of solemnity in their eyes.

Xiao Chen didn't know that his killing of Evil Seventeen Seven had been exposed. He was still collecting materials for Bai Caiyi to refine the Ecstasy Soup. They did not return to the base until the newcomers were about to compete.

Inside the base, Evil Ten returned, but he didn't seem to know anything.

The Evil Fifteen brought Xiao Chen to the training base, and the strong men of Evil Ten were there. In addition, he also saw Evil Eleven, Mrs. Chen.

When Mrs. Chen saw Xiao Chen, a flash of shock flashed in her eyes: "How could it be possible that he is okay, and the ghosts beside him are okay?"

Xiao Chen also noticed the change in Chen's expression, and his heart moved slightly, "Could it be that they found me because of him, but I don't remember offending him, but he can never be wrong when he sees my expression."

"Today is the day of the newcomer competition. I will send you to the competition venue later. It's up to you to survive." Eshi looked at Xiao Chen and said lightly.

Immediately after, Eshi explained the rules of the newcomer competition.

After the rules were finished, a dark portal appeared behind Eshi, and then Xiao Chen and the three were sucked into the door uncontrollably. When they opened their eyes, they found that they had come to another space. They couldn't be familiar with the breath, it was the evil ghost space.

"Are you lucky to have such a beautiful Li ghost help?" Xiao Chen and Mrs. Chen appeared in the same place. Mrs. Chen glanced at Xiao Chen and said lightly.

"Evil Eleventh." Xiao Chen called.

"Evil fifteen and eighty, I hope you don't hold me back!" Mrs. Chen said again, watching Mu Qingxuan still flashed with jealousy, but his voice just fell, suddenly a huge fist hit his face. Mrs. Chen didn't respond, so she was beaten out.

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