Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 1801: Shadow transformation!

After the evil aura disappeared, he wanted to run away, but no matter where he appeared, Mu Qingxuan would always appear in front of him.

"Forbidden method, shadow transforming secret technique!" Evil Seventeen Ninety gritted his teeth, and then a black shadow appeared behind him, fleeing away, while Evil Seventeen was still fighting with Mu Qingxuan!

Just when the black shadow was about to disappear, a black and white beam of light suddenly enveloped it directly, and the aura on his body gradually dissipated, turning into a sluggish evil seventy-nine, and then being collected into the ecstasy bowl.

Xiao Chen saw this scene and secretly said that it is a pity that if he kills Evil Seventeen and Nine, he can get a lot of rewards, but now Evil Seventeen and Nine are no evil spirits, and it is useless to beheaded, and he believes that Bai Caiyi is also Won't hand it over.

"That hasn't dissipated yet?" Xiao Chen suddenly discovered that the evil seventy-seven that had fought with Mu Qingxuan hadn't dissipated, but its aura was not as strong as before.

"Isn't this a clone?" Xiao Chen was a little confused, but if it was a clone, it should have disappeared after the main body died.

"It doesn't matter what it is, kill it first." Xiao Chen had already rushed over a little bit, Mu Qingxuan suppressed the evil seventy-nine, and Xiao Chen went up and shot with all his strength, soon.

"Ding! Congratulations to player Xiao Chen for slaying Evil Seventeen and Nine, and gaining 5 million Nether Value and 50 million Knock Value!"

"Ding! Congratulations to player Xiao Chen for obtaining the Forbidden Method: Shadow Transformation Secret Art!"


"It turns out that this forbidden shadow transforming secret technique turned out to be an escape skill." After Xiao Chen checked it, he was a little surprised. In fact, the evil seventeen seven that Xiao Chen killed was the shadow of the evil seven seven. Half of his power.

"It consumes half of the power in the body and turns into a shadow to escape? If Bai Caiyi found out in advance, he really ran away." Xiao Chen glanced at the shadow transformation secret technique and practiced without any hesitation.

"Ding! Congratulations to player Xiao Chen for cultivating the Shadow Transformation Secret Art. Does it cost a certain amount of pitfall value to repair and evolve?"

"It can be repaired. It seems that this technique can be improved." Xiao Chen moved in his heart and hurriedly said, "Yes!"

"Ding! Congratulations to player Xiao Chen for obtaining the Forbidden Method: Shadow Transformation Secret Art!"

"Huh? This evolved skill is a bit stronger, a bit like the power of the illusion of the shame flower." Xiao Chen's heart moved. Although it is still the shadow transformation, the effect is completely different. He can now transform many shadows. Duplicate, and he can shuttle between these shadow clones at will, and almost half of the power can be controlled by him instead of requiring half of the previous power.

"It's just a pity that half of the power was taken away, and the power of evil spirits did not burst!"

Xiao Chen sighed, but it was time to be content if he got a forbidden law.

"The Ecstasy Soup is indeed extraordinary." Xiao Chen admired when he came to Bai Caiyi. Evil Sixteen Six was taken away without any reaction, even if he had to take it.

"I still need more materials to refine the Ecstasy Soup." Bai Caiyi said.

Xiao Chen nodded, and the three of them continued to search for materials in Nether Mountain.


Evil training base, Evil Seventeen and Evil Sixteen quickly found Evil Ten.

"My lord, the ray of soul left by Evil Sixteen Six is ​​gone!" Evil Sixteen said.

"My lord, the evil spirits of the Evil Seventeen Seven and Evil Seventeen Nine are also destroyed." Evil Seventeen also said.

"Didn't they just come back? How can the soul disappear?" Hearing this, Eshishi frowned.

Evil Sixteen and Evil Seventeen looked at each other and shook their heads at the same time.

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