Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 1798: Hell three-headed dog!

Xiao Chen's indifferent voice fell, and the man had already rushed towards the evil seventeen seven, there was nothing like it, it was just a punch.

"Rookie, let you see the real horror of the evil ghost army today!" Evil Seventeen Seven said coldly, the next moment a terrifying aura came from the body, the ghost mist lingered, a roar resounding through the Nether Mountain, and then Three heads poked out from the ghost fog and looked at Xiao Chen indifferently.

"The three-headed dog of hell?" Xiao Chen's expression condensed, and he lost his voice as he looked at the evil seventeen in the ghost mist.

"The newcomer is a little bit knowledgeable, let's die." The three heads of the three-headed dog of **** sounded the evil seventeen seven at the same time. The next moment, the three-headed dog of **** appeared in front of Xiao Chen in the ghost fog, and the three heads bite at Xiao Chen.

Without any hesitation, Xiao Chen directly used his wings to flash back, and then hit the sword in his palm continuously, and all the hundred golden dragons fell on him.

"You dare to show your ugliness with tickle-like power. I will show you what the real power is!" After Jin Long passed, the voice of evil sneers rang. The next moment, three black beams of light suddenly faced Xiao Chen shot at the extreme speed.

Xiao Chen's entire body was defensively running, his arms blocked in front of him, and the next moment, all three black beams of light hit Xiao Chen.

"It seems that your strength is not very good?" After the beam of light passed, Xiao Chen's slightly indifferent voice rang.

"No wonder it's so arrogant, it really has some skill." Evil Seventeen Seven's slightly cold voice rang, and then the three heads suddenly sucked, and a breath of destruction suddenly spread.

"If you want to release the big move, you have to ask me to agree or disagree." Xiao Chen sneered, and a wing flash appeared above the middle head of the three-headed dog in hell. The evil demon's burst fist crashed down, and the huge power instantly caused He closed his mouth, and the dangerous breath in his mouth disappeared instantly.

"Damn it!" An angry roar came from the other two heads of the three-headed dog.

"A Thousand Hands Banned Kill!"

"Rookie, the same trick is of no use to me, you are too naive!" Feeling that the power of the netherworld is absorbed, he sneered, and the next moment, his two heads squirted directly at Xiao Chen The flame swallowed Xiao Chen instantly.

"Rookie, everything is over!" Evil Seventeen Seven sneered. The flame he just spewed was poisonous fire, which was extremely harmful to Ghost Xiu. He had spent a lot of energy to get it.

Evil Seventeen Seven was very proud, but after a few seconds, E Seven Seven felt something was wrong.

"Why is the power of the Nether in my body still dying? Isn't that guy dead, but how is this possible? Even if a member of the evil spirit legion is hit by my poisonous fire, he will kill him for half his life." Evil Seventeen Seven Talk to himself.

"A mere poisonous fire, you want to kill me too, do you think I am like other evil spirits?"

At this moment, an indifferent voice came from the poisonous fire. Then, all the poisonous fire was absorbed by Nether Fire. Xiao Chen appeared indifferently in front of the poisonous seven-seventh, and the Thousand-Hand Forbidden Killing continued to absorb it. With the power of the ghost in his body.

"It's impossible!" Evil Seventeen Seven shouted, his face full of incredible.

Xiao Chen didn't explain, he just absorbed the power of the netherworld in Evil Seventeen Seven's body with all his strength, and felt the power of the Nether Seventeen Seven in his body flow faster and faster, and Evil Seventeen Seven finally woke up from the shock.

"Get out of here!" As soon as Evil Seventeen Seven was about to move, Xiao Chen reappeared in a fixed word!

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