Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 1797: Xiao Chen's killing intent!

"Is this the ecstasy soup?" Xiao Chen asked.

"If my memory is not wrong, this is indeed Ecstasy Soup, Ecstasy Soup can make any soul forget the memory of life." Bai Caiyi said.

"Drink the Ecstasy Soup and forget about the life of the past." Xiao Chen muttered in his heart. In his previous life, he had also heard about Po Meng and Ecstasy Soup, but he didn't know the specifics.

At this moment, Mu Qingxuan's eyes suddenly looked in a certain direction. Xiao Chen was taken aback, and then he looked over with a certain dignity. The next moment, three ill-intentioned auras spread, followed by three evils. The ghost appeared in Xiao Chen's sight.

Among them, there are two familiar figures, the evil seventy-seventh them of the evil spirit army.

"Boy, I finally found you!" Three ghosts surrounded Xiao Chen and the others, sneered.

"Evil Sixteen Sixteen, we didn't lie to you, how about these two female ghosts?"

"Evil seventeen seven, evil seventeen nine, you two can find such beautiful two female ghosts, but this time I have made a lot of money, I will not treat you two badly." Evil Sixteen Six smiled, eyes The middle is full of green light.

"This is what a little guy said, otherwise we will miss these two beautiful female ghosts." Evil Seventeen Seven smiled.

Hearing that, Xiao Chen's expression became cold. Hearing the evil words of Seventeen Seven, they did not accidentally meet Xiao Chen and the others, but came to them specifically. Xiao Chen did not remember who he had offended or who he was. Framed him deliberately.

"Xiao Chen, this is a good opportunity." At this moment, Bai Caiyi said suddenly, Xiao Chen was taken aback, looked at the ecstasy soup in Bai Caiyi's hand, and then smiled.

"It seems that the three of you are the so-called hungry ghosts in sex, but I have spared both of you before, and you took the initiative to send it to the door. Did you deliberately die?"

Xiao Chen said lightly.

"Rookie, you are too arrogant, if it weren't for us, could you hurt us?" Hearing this, the evil seventy-seven and the evil seventeen-nine looked cold.

"Really?" Xiao Chen sneered, "If I were at the base, I wouldn't be able to kill you, but I didn't expect you to come to Nether Mountain, so I had to send you to die!"

When the voice fell, Xiao Chen's face was already full of murderous intent, dare to hit Mu Qingxuan's attention, they must die!

"What an arrogant newcomer, facing our three members of the evil spirit army, dare to speak up, really ignorant and fearless!" Evil Sixteen Six sneered.

"Although the female ghost next to you is a Li Gui, but Li Gui's shortcomings are also very obvious. As long as you take you, she still doesn't recognize us to deal with it." Evil Seventeen Nine sneered.

"Just because you want to take me, do you have that ability?" Xiao Chen said with disdain.

"Rookie, you are too arrogant, you must die today!" The three ghosts said coldly. They are members of the evil ghost army who have been selected and selected. When have they been so despised by a newcomer.

When the voice fell, the three ghost repairs shot at the same time, with a violent aura, even the monk beast dared not approach.

Xiao Chen and Bai Caiyi looked at each other, and then the three of them also won. Xiao Chen found the evil seventeen again, Mu Qingxuan met the evil seventeen and Bai Caiyi also took the initiative to meet the evil seven. Sixteen six.

Suddenly, fighting broke out in three places in Nether Mountain.

"Rookie, if you can make the ghost around you comfortable in serving us, maybe you can keep you alive." Evil Seventeen Seven looked at Xiao Chen jokingly.

"She is my wife, and those who insult my wife die!"

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