Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 1789: Devil Qingxuan!

"What's going on?" Xiao Chen was very puzzled, but he had just gathered a group of evil spirits before him, and he didn't have time to think about it.

"The sword of the soul, kill!" A black knife appeared, slashing at the surrounding evil spirits one after another, and at the same time there were many illusory arms around, constantly absorbing the power of the evil spirits.

For three days and three nights, Xiao Chen had been fighting for three days and three nights in the evil ghost space. Not only was he not a bit tired, but he became more energetic. After all, such a copy is impossible to meet.

Ten evil spirits, looking at Xiao Chen who is still fighting in the orb, his eyes are full of surprise: "This little guy's aura is much stronger, and this little guy, is the power of the Nether endless?"

"In just three days and three nights, a million evil spirits are already less than one hundred thousand."

"There are hundreds of thousands of evil spirits in other evil ghost spaces. This little guy is really amazing."

"It's interesting, it's interesting." Eshi suddenly laughed, then waved his hand, Xiao Chen's picture suddenly disappeared, and then a demon appeared. The demon was a woman who was constantly devouring the weaker than her. Devil, and there was no blood red in her eyes, but a look of disgust flashed from time to time.

"This is a spirited evil spirit, she is constantly devouring evil spirits, strengthening herself!"

"Her aura is much stronger than that of the judge, and she is no longer weaker than the general ghost cultivation of the evil spirit army."

"It's interesting now. I didn't expect a wise ghost appeared in the ghost space. This little guy is going to be unlucky."

The evil tenth class ghost cultivator looked at the female ghost in the picture, his eyes lit up. In the evil ghost space where Xiao Chen was, Xiao Chen was still killing the evil ghost, and the female ghost was still devouring the evil ghost and let herself Become stronger.

Another day later, in the eyes of all the ghosts with interest, Xiao Chen and the female ghost met in the ghost space.

Just when many ghost cultivators thought they would have a fight, they found that Xiao Chen and the female ghost looked at each other in disbelief.


"Xiao Chen?"

"Qingxuan, how could you...?" Xiao Chen looked at the female ghost in front of him, his eyes full of disbelief. She turned out to be Mu Qingxuan, the lord of the Heavenly Star Zong Lei Palace. If he met him in the God Realm, he would definitely be very good. Surprise, but this is hell, doesn't it mean that Mu Qingxuan is dead?

"Xiao Chen, are you dead too?" Mu Qingxuan looked at Xiao Chen, then threw directly into Xiao Chen's arms, and said excitedly: "Xiao Chen, I thought I would never see you again. Meet you here."

Hearing the familiar voice, Xiao Chen also awoke from the shock, his eyes full of joy, and then just hugged Mu Qingxuan and said: "Qingxuan, I finally found you, but I didn't expect that I would meet you here."

"I didn't expect it either."

After a long time, Xiao Chen asked: "Qingxuan, why did you appear in hell?"

Mu Qingxuan looked at Xiao Chen and said, "I was chased by the enemy and strayed into a Jedi, where the power of thunder was full. I was practicing in thunder, but suddenly heard a heartbeat, and then the sea of ​​thunder burst. When I opened my body, my body shattered instantly, and when I woke up, I had become an evil spirit."

"Full of the power of thunder? The sound of a beating heart? Could it be the place where the origin of thunder is?" Xiao Chen guessed in his heart.

"By the way, Xiao Chen, how did you die?"

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