Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 1788: Fusion of the inner world!

"My brother is really her son, why did things turn out like this?" Dao Qing looked at Murongxue, her face was full of distress. She had already guessed the identity of Xiao Chen and understood why Murongxue became like this.

At this moment, Xiao Chen suddenly heard a breath, everyone was taken aback, and then his eyes suddenly widened, his eyes full of incredible expression.

"My lord, is this a breakthrough?" The Emperor Kai said in disbelief, not to mention him, the strong aliens around him were rubbing their eyes vigorously. They were half dead, and they were able to break through. , And it still breaks directly to the creation god, this can't be explained.

At this moment, a figure suddenly appeared outside Bai Lian, it was Mu Yun who had awakened, and she already knew the whole story, there was no sadness or joy on her face, just looking up at the sky indifferently.

Those strong aliens looked at the sudden appearance of Mu Yun in amazement. The next moment, there were roars, and everyone was taken aback. Then they saw a huge mountain range in the distance suddenly lifted their heads and turned into a giant dragon. Then, a white tiger roared up to the sky, a Suzaku shining everywhere, and a basalt crossed over. Not only that, there were more ferocious behemoths recovering in the distance.

"The initial creatures are recovering, this world is recovering. Could this be her inner world?" Killing the emperor looked at Mu Yun. The practice of the inner world was originally transmitted from the evil spirits outside the territory, and he was naturally very familiar with it.

At the same time, Mu Yun's aura continued to rise, and immediately after Mu Yun's figure was suddenly illusory, everyone in this world saw Mu Yun.

If there is a person in the starry sky at this time, you can definitely find that the entire world is shrinking, and finally turned into a planet, appearing between Mu Yun's hands.

"Master Mu Yun, are you sure you want to do this?" Qing Lin appeared beside Mu Yun and asked.

Mu Yun nodded, and then asked, "Are you not sure about Xiao Chen's current situation?"

"The big brother and I signed a life and death contract. Since I still exist, the big brother is naturally still alive, but I can't perceive him, and I don't know his current situation." Qing Lin said.

"I've traveled to so many places. This is the first time I have seen this. But if I merge my inner world with the Heavenly Star Immortal Realm, and you dominate, your strength will advance by leaps and bounds, and Xiao Chen's strength will also Strengthening, although I don’t know if I can help him, it is always a way."

Mu Yun sighed.

"But Patriarch, I still don't know if Big Brother can wake up. If Big Brother dies, Heavenly Star Immortal Territory will be wiped out." Qing Lin said.

"No, he has already broken through the God of Creation. The Heavenly Star Immortal Territory has the power to create the world. When he dies, the power of creation will protect the Heavenly Star Immortal Territory from catastrophe, but from then on, Heavenly Star Xianyu will become a land without a master." Mu Yun said.

Hearing this, thought flashed in Qinglin's eyes, and then nodded.

Mu Yun nodded, the next moment, the green scales turned into a huge flood dragon, hovering up, and then swallowing the inner world in Mu Yun's hands.

There was a shock from the two worlds, and then they began to merge. Just as the two worlds merged, Xiao Chen, who was slaughtering in the evil space, was suddenly startled.

"My divine soul?" Xiao Chen felt that his divine soul was expanding infinitely. As the divine soul increased, the power of all divine soul skills increased.

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